NEW R/K Video 'Color Me Blue' from the amazing @HoneyBuzy

Video from HoneyBuzy

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7 Responses to NEW R/K Video 'Color Me Blue' from the amazing @HoneyBuzy

  1. The love that they share together make them become stonger than ever.I believed that this love can last forever.

  2. uff! intense but at the final who wins :love! yes!!!!!!!!!!

  3. This video us soooo beautiful!!! I was like smiling thru the whole thing and then u put the video when she cries in the interview ( I have never seen that) and I lost it!!! I love u Kristen!!!!!

  4. They certainly have something special.

  5. eso chicas pense que solo lo havia visto medi tristesa ese video es el peor desucaritas triste cada quien por su lado por fin la luz billo para ellos que sean felices viva robsten

  6. This was one of the best videos I've seen that captures what they must have been feeling through out that torturous first month. I hope they will just hold on to each other and not let the media, fans, or HW pull them apart. Awesome job! Thanks for making this.


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