Breaking Dawn: Part 2 Berlin Press Conference

Full Press Conference (Via)

Better quality close ups


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Transcript (Via)

Question for RKT; asking for their favourite lines in the whole saga.
Taylor has some lines popping into his head, he doesn’t know. He liked the tent scene.
Rob's favourite line is in Twilight and it was Bella’s line and he thought it was so funny how she said “You’re beautiful.”

Kristen talks about Bella, how she changed during the saga. She says she still feels really close to all the scenes.

Rob asked about the fans. He admires their devotion for the movies and is happy they stayed that long

Wyck talks about the script, the changes between book – movie. The movie has to be interesting for the fans. More action scenes

Taylor talks that its weird, the end. no more twi movies.

Kristen question: Do you see the cast still as a family:
Yeah, we don’t go to breakfast every sunday, but yes, we still are good friends.

Question Rob: the end is a big surprise for the fans can you say something about it?
Rob: We’re not allowed to talk about it. I didn’t read the book so had no idea we could make our own suggestions. The end isn’t the same as in the book. The fans have their own imagination how it’s going to end so why not us?

Q:Do you have problems with remembering the lines?
Taylor said Rob has problems with the scripts, he keeps asking “what does this mean.”
Rob: No, I’m good at it. Kristen is the one who adds her own lines

Question for Bill regarding the work with Alexandre Desplat for the soundtrack
Bill said it wasn’t his type of music but he kept thinking about what would fit into the scenes.

Barbara asked RKT but put four questions into one and nothing really made sense.
Rob said Twilight was his first American movie and that he was shocked by it all.
Stephenie stayed all the time with them, wanted to be a part of the movie too

Q: 20.000 fans at the Munich New Moon fanevent, Rob looked impressed. Can you compare the fan event, the fans with now?
The fan event in Munich was surreal, I had no idea what does it mean to be an actor.
We’re doing this for 5 years now, it’s crazy, the devotion.

Questions for RKT, when looking back at how much the saga has influenced their lives. Would they sign the contract again?
K & T said yes,Rob smirked “Would you say no right now?”

Q:Have you ever listened to your German voices?
Rob: No, I haven’t seen the movies in German, I don’t know our German voices.
Rob said he likes when the films are dubbed, like in Spanish.*laughs* It even sounds better in Spanish.

Press Conference over

HQ Pictures: RPLife
Fan Pictures/ScreencapsVia

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33 Responses to Breaking Dawn: Part 2 Berlin Press Conference


    must read article.

    1. i can't open the site

    2. I totally agree, you have to read it. Unfortunately I couldn't saved the article so I hope it will kept posted. It's a cute nostalgic sum up of Twilight and MTV over the years. I love Josh, he's always soooo nice and sweet.

  2. is there livestream for the premiere? :o


    nice pic of R & K arriving in Berlin

    1. have u seen robert and kristen in the car look a like kristen is not very happy what wrong wrong wiv kristen is she ok wiv rob ??

    2. She just seemed tired. I find it quite cute. The way she was lying there she problably had her feets/legs on his lap.

    3. I don't know what you see when you look at the picture but I see a tired Kristen who looks like she's tired and just woken and is annoyed her picture is being taken. Rightly so. Rob looks the way he usually looks when his being photographed by the paparazzi: annoyed and like he is trying to hide his face. Remember these are people who spent the previous day doing press conferences, press junkets and a tv show the a premier. And they've just flown to start that all over again. And its the same thing they've been doing for the last 5 days. Either way...

    4. wow some people just do not understand the concept of being tired and will forever look for something wrong with any picture of the two of them.They have been doing press and travelling all week and just got off a plane what do you think they would look like kristen looks tired and sleepy and rob looks annoyed like he usually does when having paps take his pic gosh grow up

    5. i think he is also sleeping under those glasses...and she is too cute for words, sprawled on the back seat:))

    6. Kristen is a true heroine to overcome the whole hectic rush, moreover she handled all the premiers so great, every day another country, she's the best. She looks enchantingly beautiful, young and bright every time!

  4. Is there a live stream plzzz ??

  5. The live is gonna start at 18 15min sooo excitng!!!

    1. but it does not work no one has been able to follow the press conference. TELE5 has blocked it.

  6. Oww maybe at this link??

  7. Want a spoon Anon 10.36am, your hand must be getting sore from all that stirring. How dare she be tired in front of Rob,right? The only thing "wrong" is your thinking.

  8. ok I will ty with this one thanks.

  9. Do any of you know who's this Barbara is? I am from Germany and really interested.



    Start in 5min. (:


  11. She's a little tired and wants take a nap, this is normal, she's human, I love her.


  13. There is a livee thanks!!

  14. poor kristen....she looks wiped out...hopefully after this they get a nice break and have some relaxing alone time.

  15. so was there a video feed for the press conference?

    also, was there a press conference in london...seems like there should be since we got one for Madrid and Berlin?

  16. How long does the premiere last for?

  17. Not really gonna repeat it but it's so obvious they are both extremely tired but they put on a brave face at all of those premieres , so they should be congratulated for doing it all for the fans . They will never be another Twilight or another trio of actors like them , they are funny , respectful and genuinely like each other . I will miss their interviews because they always give me a good laugh ! I'm glad it's over for them no more stalking for photos and silly comments and people analyzing every face expression they make and projecting their own assumption in what it means .I like them both before twilight and i will continue to support them in their future movies .

  18. I'm so happy for them that its over. Now they can concentrate on each other and their future together. I'm sad the series is done but I loved all the movies and I can't wait until the day they do another movie together. They have great chemistry. Rob and Kristen Thank you for being you and not let the bullshit part you. You two belong together. Don't listen to any of the crazies out there. Your true fans care deeply for you and want you to be happy. Always love, happiness and health. I would also like to thank Robsten Dreams for your dedication and hard work. Truly amazing.

  19. ha ha ha at 3:05... rob makes me laught very much :) :) he is right!! :) :) hi hi hi

  20. Rob has to have the biggest heart in the world, this man is truly the sweetest person ever


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