Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Reaction Post

Just got home from the theater. Breaking Dawn Part 2 was perfect in so many ways. I laughed, cried and got angry all in the course of 2 hours. The ending was so touching and that shocker... OMG... that shocker!!! 

But anyway feel free to post on the comments what your reaction for BD2 was. This is only intended for those that have seen the movie and or want to be spoiled. 


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188 Responses to Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Reaction Post

  1. My thoughts about the movie: (**SPOILER**)

    1. When Edward said I love you to Bella when she first woke up as a new born. - Wow. THAT is the way one says I LOVE YOU

    2. Rob being cute and funny (Kate using Edward to motivate Bella to project the shield). - That was Rob more than Edward I think

    3. Garett and Kate - Totally shipping this

    4. Sex scene and dialogue
    E:"Rose and Emmett were so bad it took us centuries before we can be with them"
    B: I think we're worse
    E; "Definitely worse"
    5. In the cabin: B:" I think I can remember how to undress myself" E:"Yeah I know.. I just do it so much better" - I think I blushed. Actually blushed. And I'm anemic
    6. Battle scene - Here goes:
    Aro held Carlisle's head: (me) Gasp! my mind went blank
    series of killings and battles: (me) panting, stuttering incoherent profanities - what the? are you serious? What? like fuck? no shit? huh? fuck? wait. waiiiit. fu? huh? you're kidding me! this is... fuck! what?!
    Edward's head being slowly torn by Aro, his mouth slowly ripping: (me) OH NO MOTHERFUCKING WAY!!! I actually shouted
    Realizing that it was a vision: (me) aaaaaargggh!!! it was a combination of heavy relieved sigh (i didn't know I held my breath the entire time) + laughter + groaning + awe + tears
    7. When Bella removed the shield to show Edward her thoughts: (Me) just tears. Silent tears while smiling and nodding seeing the summary of this whole craziness and the parade of all the years I have loved the both of them.

    Watching Edward and Bella's journey through Bella's thought BUT saw Rob and Kristen's journey and all the obstacles and love they have been through all this years instead.

    8. Credits: Showing the actual pages of Twilight books matching the description of characters (Me) took me back to when I first open the pages of Twilight, when I fell in love with a man named Edward Cullen :)

    All in all: I want to rate this by giving a number of stars like critics do. But honestly, I don't think the sky has enough stars for it :)

    1. OMG. Re:6

      When I saw that, I was like... Wait. WHAT?! That ... HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!?!?!?!?!?!? Is this a joke?!

      And then when it's revealed that it was just the vision, I think I had a relief attack. Bill, Stephanie, and Melissa... pure genius. So good.

    2. Haha, yup! Bill trolled us big time. But that was pure genius. He paced and made it in such a way that even though you have an idea that it might be Alice vision or Zafrina illusion yet the characters killed off made sense to be killed of (like Dumbledore, Sirius, Fred in HP). But the action was so fast-paced and shocking you don't have time to actually think about it. Brillian evil genius Bill Condon.

    3. Excellent breakdown of the best of the movie! You nailed it! When Aro held Carlisle's head, everyone in the theatre shouted a collective "NO!". I was instantly mourning.. and then Jasper... I couldn't breathing! I was so sad and angry! I kept thinking WHY DO THEY HAVE TO END IT LIKE THIS! And then w/ Edward - I've never been so scared! When I realized it was a vision, I cried in relief! What an emotional ride! Also loved what you said about Rob and Kristen ... just as Edward and Bella will go on, so will they, together! I'm going to see it again today!

    4. Great breakdown- I really thought some of those funnier moments w/ Edward were def. more Rob, which really did make him more human like he's been saying in interviews.
      And that twist at the end- people in our theater were yelling WTF?! It was crazy- but I kept thinking, this has got to be a dream unless Stephenie wanted to really change it up for her audience at the end.
      Incredible film & truly, honestly, best one yet!

    5. Agreed!!! Brilliant shocking and very clever yet still true to the book!!! Lovvvvvve it!!!!

    6. Loved your breakdown of the movie. Better than any movie critics. Battle scene reaction was exactly the same for me and the same thing happened regarding the audience in the theatre. And yes, so true regarding Rob and Kristen, I think they were one as good as the other in these movies. They did a beautiful job of the vampire sex scene, it was really beautiful. I'm going again on Tuesday.

    7. Agree with all above. Some other thoughts:

      1) I choked up bad when Edward thanked Carlisle for this extraordinary life. I lost it.
      2) When Renessmee jumped into daddy arms, watching Edward just talk to her for awhile.
      3) I loved how much you saw Edward laugh and smile.
      4) I loved growling, snarling, bad ass Bella!

      During the battle scene, I know I screamed "no" when he held Carlisle's head, bawling, saying, "Oh, God, no", couldn't wrap my head around it. I was expecting Alice, wasn't expecting all the others. When you heard the tearing sound with Edward, I too, yelled "No fucking way..."LOL, it was the best!

    8. When i saw the fight sene at the end i was si frekin mad i was ready ti punch the screen and sue the maker of this movie. I was like HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!!!!!!!! IM SUCH A FAN OF TWILIGHT AND IVE READ THE BOOKS A TON OF TIMES!!!! THIS DID NOT HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!! Then it was just a vision. Those flippin geniuses.

    9. Watch how breaking dawn part 2 should have ended. Hilarious!!!!!!!!

  2. There was no credit scene? Or did I miss it?

    1. There was no credit scene. The ensemble scene of them dancing that they talk about is in the DVD.

  3. i thought it was so mean of bill condon to do that unexpected twist, he so played with my emotions. i dont think i haved cried that much watching a movie. he did it so well that i applaud him they did it so well. well done to them. it was unbelievable. i loved it.


  5. i was crying so much during the fight scene. i was shaking and thinking, noooo, this cant be, they cant all die....

  6. i think Breaking Dawn Part 2 is truly EPIC !!!!!

  7. Oh my gosh. It was so great. Have been at work for couple hours now after 4hours sleep. Midnight showing was totally worth it.
    Movie was touching, funny and full of emotions. Perfect ending for the saga. Just sat stunned through end credits. And collective gasp in the theater during twist was so amazing.

  8. I have the same reaction, i cried,laugh,scream and my jaw drop during the fight scenes and kristen was right they did twist the was the best out of all the series.

  9. one of my favourite bit was when alice turned around and said "now". and then seeing aro holding carlisle's head... that was it. that go me.

    1. Yeah totally. I thought my eyeballs popped out my eyes when I saw Carlisle's head. My gasp was a painful gasp.

  10. i loved it when Edward wanted to undress Bella.

  11. when bella showed edward what they went through and having christina perri song playing, it made me cry more. what a beautiful ending to such an amazing saga.

    1. It's weird when that was playing, I tried to see Edward and Bella's journey and struggles of their love story but I just keep seeing Rob and Kristen's journey instead.

  12. the look on charlie's face when jacob takes his clothes off to reveal what he truely is. that was funny and classic.

  13. So what's the twist actually abouttt?? I want to know so badly..

    1. No! Watch it first. You won't regret waiting to not know

    2. You need to see it for yourself otherwise it won't work for you. You need the real experience. Sorry

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I totally loved Charlie!! His scenes were epic! really funny, i think that Billy Burke made a great job :D funny funny and amazing!
    ah! yes of course...i started to cry when i saw Charlisle's head off and i never stopped anymore...

    1. O my gosh i was about to cry when carlisils head was ripped off i thought no way can they fix it but it was all just a vision

  16. Saw Breaking Dawn Part 2 yesterday and wow I was blown away, it's in line with Twilight as my favourite film of the saga. The twist was beyond incredible I was freaking out in the cinema but when you realized what was happening I was like oh my god that was such a great way to do it on screen. The chemistry between Rob an Kristen were amazing as always, they bring the characters of Edward and Bella to life so amazingly that's why we all fell in love with them. The ending made me cry and love so much that had the 1000 years Part 2 song with the credits showing everyone that has been in the entire saga, that brought a tear to my eyes was so moving and very final. A great ending to a fantastic saga well done Bill Condon :-)

  17. Oh and the new cast members? That Benjamin was fine. And Garett was so wickedly sexy :)

  18. when Bella/Kristen threw Edward/Robert on the bed... she so totally own him.

  19. Esme gave up, she gave up fighting knowing her soulmate had died. Jasper dying and alice crying out. seth dying and that last tear before he went and seeing lea pain and Jacob's pain... that was all too much to watch.

    1. I hear ya I cried like a big ass baby.I'm really going to miss this. I could really see ROB and Kristen it all of this THE LOVE FOR EACH OTHER

  20. Breaking Dawn Part 2 was incredible and perfect. I don't have the right words to describe my current emotions.

    The twist at the end was CRAZY. I was shocked, mad, rocking in my seat. Panicked, I muttered "what the hell is going on???" several times. Then when it turned out to be a vision, I just gasped and said, "that wasn't funny!!" And rocked a little more. I loved it, but man, it scared me.

    I started crying as soon as the end Edward/Bella scene happened and then when "A Thousand Years" began playing with all the memories, I LOST it. I was a sobbing mess. Like ugly cry sobbing. Holding my face. Holding my heart. I thought it was going to explode. It was combination of love for Edward and Bella and Rob and Kristen. And all the actors, too.

    (My only thing is that I wish there would have been more Edward/Bella alone/standing next to each other scenes. I feel like she stood next to Jake a lot. But that's just a passing thought, not a big deal.)

  21. Well that was the first time i have ever watched a film where the majority of the audience were screaming and crying! The twist turned me into a shaking, stunned mess! I think i watched that whole scene in tears with my mouth open and not breathing! A truly epic film that lived up to my every expectation! Vamp Bella was incredible and did the role proud!

  22. Hi All..
    I also just got back from cinema .. OMG it's epic finale. And finally understand about the 'TWIST' that Kristen mentioned in many interview .. :)
    The ending is just touching ... My heart melted when the flashback was shown. Remembering all these years How I love this Saga. It's defenitely become one of the most memorable thing in my life. Inspirational ... It does helps how I built my relation with my hubby.

  23. i like bd part one more

  24. Gosh the film was amazing!!!!!
    And i don't know this movie is soooo fun to watch. Yeah, how a LOT of joke is there and made me laugh so hard. Funny edward!!!
    And then, how bella and renesmee interact is really touching.
    THAT ONE PART THAT MADE ME ALMOST LEFT THE THEATRE LOLOLOL i wa really really freaking out because i heard a rumor that movie's ending is different. That's why i was really mad at that part.... An after i realize it.... I feel so stupid xD
    Well genious movie Mr. Bill Condon

  25. I saw it on wednesday already and at the end I nearly had a heart attactk. OMG BD2 is epic. And Christina Perri she is the best!! I still can't belive that this is over:-(((

  26. the story was indeed told and close. i love the book ending where they show the book and the characters.
    the funny scenes i love that!
    edward bella scenes...awwww..
    thousand years song.. that was sweet.

  27. Loved bd2 so much it was amazing loved everyone
    but truly for me Rob was just perfect he was amazing as Edward from his gentle romantic words and touch to his humor and sweetness. he was the powerful head of the family but loved bellas new vamp powers and an incredible dad so sweet. I was just blown away by him and them all

  28. Ok its 2:30 a.m. I saw the 10 o clock showing. I cannot fall asleep because I cant stop thinking about that twist. When carlisle died i think i practically blacked out. I was thinking " why?!the fans are going to be so pissed!" i kept saying to my bestie, " I cant take this, i cant handle this" and in reality they actually didnt change the ending at all. It was still that long (some think, boring)discussion about what they wanted to do. So brilliant and clever! Great job Bill! You made my favorite book of the series into 2 increible films i can charish forever!!!!

  29. Ok its 2:30 a.m. I saw the 10 o clock showing. I cannot fall asleep because I cant stop thinking about that twist. When carlisle died i think i practically blacked out. I was thinking " why?!the fans are going to be so pissed!" i kept saying to my bestie, " I cant take this, i cant handle this" and in reality they actually didnt change the ending at all. It was still that long (some think, boring)discussion about what they wanted to do. So brilliant and clever! Great job Bill! You made my favorite book of the series into 2 increible films i can charish forever!!!!

    1. LOL that was what i exactly said to my friend who was watching next to me xD "oh no, this couldn't be, i can;t stand this. i hate this. it couldn;t be like this, let's leave the theatre" xD

  30. Saw it last and I was blow away for sure. That twist at the end was just OMG!!!!!! At end where Bella show Edward her mind and they play 1000 years all I saw was Rob & Kristen story been told and how much they have grow up. This by far the best one out of the saga and it was amazing ending to the saga x

  31. OMGGGGGGGG... so worth freezing my ass off for 6 hrs in the coldto see this tonight... Breaking Dawn was freaking AMAZING!! Rob & Kristen were smoking HOTT..the SEXIEST Edward and Bella yet!! The entire cast was Bill Condons twist was genius!!! The entire theater full of peeps GASPED when Carlisle head was in Aro's hands and reacted the same way every time a beloved character was killed... AND they applauded every time one of The Volturi was was so intense...Everyone was like OMGGG ..and SO relieved when we all realized it was a vision... The montage when Bella lifts her shield and Edward see's all her memories is fckn perfect..def an ugly cry moment..even my hubs was teary eyed. Seriously could not stop the tears while the credits rolled...BREAKING DAWN WAS truly EPIC!!

  32. Edward and Bella were perfect. He was powerful and relaxed and just amazing and she was an amazing new born and together they rocked

  33. Nailed what she had computer animated help

  34. Replies
    1. Really!!! I mean I loveeee the end I think is the best part of the movie but I think if you really analyse the movie..This movie had no point at all,, We all Know this movie is very cheesy but in my opinion Kristen didnt act well at the begining with her voice also Rob I think he thinks this movie is a joke.. so he didnt act with all his effort...Overall I love the movie..but I wouldnt praise it as brilliant,,,, but I love chessy stuff :P

  35. My own thought for this movie:
    1. The very beginning, is every film in America right now are going to put credits since I watch Skyfall before Breaking Dawn and that caught my attention how these two are very similar for their opening.
    2. Watched the very beginning of Breaking Dawn from the comic-con video so not totally surprising but still watching it in large screen gives clear image and sound.
    3. I LOVE, LOVE it when Bella took hold of Jake's neck and throw him outside before going for more. Totally funny and enjoyable scene. And Edward's such a smug-bastard. Knowing that he can't beat Jake so he let Bella do so.
    4. Vampire sex scene. Fuck me by then. So nice of them to actually rip each other clothes and going from bed to standing and to the floor. Though I'm disappointed that the intimate scene is only at that part and I screamed the whole time 'I want the bath scene'
    5. How Bella went to rescue Edward from Kate's electric vampire power is totally a great scene for me. Since now that Bella's a vampire she can fight for Edward too.
    6. I guess it's lucky that the room is mostly filled or else the laughter for Edward and Emmett scene when the two argue about motivation for Bella will not be heard at all.
    7. The story slightly change as to how Bella came to know J.Jenks and how did she get the passport and all. I was anticipating for the flirt and Bella's reply that she's married, so slightly disappointed.
    8. The battle scene. I was thinking how fast that Alice actually comes back. When she walk to the Volturi I was thinking is she going to join them or what? But then suddenly Alice kicked Aro sent him flying and then he took hold of Carlisle's head ripped off from his body. Ok. At first I was surprised and went all *gasped*. I don't know how but I went to think back to the novel Carlisle actually lives I don't think they'll change the story like that. So I kept on telling myself it must be Zafrina's power. Yes I enjoy the battle scene very much but simultaneously remind myself it's Zafrina. And it all becomes clear when Bella held the fire and point it towards Aro. Sure maybe I'm wrong about Zafrina wherein it's actually Alice who did the vision thing but still I'm 90% correct too. Most of the people inside the room grunted when they realized they've been fooled. I laughed inside.
    9. Of course the comment of Jacob asking Edward should he call him dad now really made us all laughed.
    10. The very ending scene of the two of them. I almost teared up because of sad feelings when Bella showed him her thoughts/memories. Yesterday I do movie marathon from Twilight - Breaking Dawn part 1 so the scenes that she showed really triggered deep inside me + I read twilight too so it's all very emotional. When Bella said forever and they showed the page from the novel forever it really slapped me in the face that this is it. This is the ending. No more. I actually have time to think about it how Rob, Kristen and Taylor did the premiere for the last time yet I feel just fine but when the movie really tells us it's The End for the saga I don't know how to feel anymore.
    11. It's so nice that they actually showed characters from Twilight - Breaking Dawn part 1, that's just so sweet.
    I can't help but to feel despite dividing into two parts, I'm so not satisfied with Breaking Dawn part 2. There should be part 3 since everything feel so rushed or there's just one scene for everything. I want more!
    Forget to mention: I love how Charlie and Bella got to be reunited and hugged each other and Daddyward playing piano, with Renesmee sitting beside him and Mama Bella watching as did the rest of the family members. And everyone laughed when Emmett asked about their intimate night and Bella respond to his question.
    Guess I'm going to feel it's going to be the real The End when the DVD comes out.

    1. Edward would snap Jacob with his little pinky if he wanted to. just sayin. we all herd the wolf say " do you think Edward would let me live if.....

    2. Edward always protects and rescues Bella. she a new vamp and only stronger for a while. they protect each other.

  36. I guessed the twist a couple of months ago, but it was still totally shocking and I kept saying "let this be a vision", "let this be a vision"... my niece who was sitting next to me had tears streaming down her face, and I told her "It would be okay" but even I wasn't sure, so I'm glad it all turned out okay. In the end it was a brilliant idea to do the film this way.

    I've seen it twice now and I cried even more the second time. To go from the human world of Twilight, to the vampire world of BD2 was such an incredible journey. I loved the battle and the special effects in this film, but in the end the story is all about Edward and Bella and I'm so grateful to Rob, Kristen and everyone else from bringing this incredible love story to life.

  37. Saw it at the world premiere with all the fans tht had camped. The theatre was filled wit 4,000 twilight fans. Watching it with them was a experience ill never forget. We all screamed n cheered together n cried together but it was nice cuz we all loved it almost the same. Wen the WTF. Scene happens man the theatre almost exploded of all our screams n gasps

    1. Genuis way to put a fight scene in a way that didn't stray fron the book.
    2. Can I just say that kristen. Kicked major ass as vamp bella. She was just so beautiful n too see her defend herself n protect edie as well n nessie. I love that she n edward were the ones to kill aro. Ahhh effing loved that.
    3. Kristen played her maternal side very well. Like if she was a older mother l loved it wen she puts nessie to sleep is the cutest thing
    4. She. Acted. Like a real vampire.. no lip biting... no hair touching just perfect.
    5. scene wit emmet wen she is training fav scene so funny love wen emmet lyk eward ur not motivating her!!! Haha
    6. Daddyward omg wen he picks her up it made me cute edward finnaly got wat he. wanted.
    7. Love the relationship btw eddie n jacob n bella. Lyk jake knows her stiil even after. N the dad thing ugh so cute
    8. The end made me cry like a baby.

  38. Love bd2 completely. it was worth the wait and I am grateful but heartbroken that its ending. I have loved evey single minute of the twilight saga. thanks for so many happy memories and I love you Rob and kristen.

  39. If I was ever in love with Rob before well I think I have just died and gone to heaven. He was so perfect it hurts

  40. Protective, sexy Edward and new vamp Bella cool couple. together forever with wolfie son in law so funny
    loved the movie

  41. Ok! I saw it Wednesday night and I almost had a heart attack!!!!
    This movie is amazing!!!!Probably my favorite of the whole Saga!!!
    It might sound weird,but I honestly thought that all EB love scenes,wether is was that EPIC sex scene or the kisses,were almost completely Robsten...!
    I also must add that I adore Mackenzie!!!She was so perfect,that little angel!
    Furthermore,it's the first time I can say that I liked Jacob in the series lol In addition,the fight sequence!!!OMG,I was grabbing my friend's hand throughout it because I was so freaked out!!! The moment Aro took Carlisle's head off I started crying and I couldn't stop!!!Literally sobbing and having people shushing me...:/
    Finally,the last scene in the meadow!When a thousand years started playing and Bella's memories came on,I died...It hit me that it is the end!
    Gosh...Sorry for rambling... :/
    To conclude,I am sooo very proud to be a twihard and I will never ever forget this amazing Saga that changed our lives!!! :') <3

  42. I was at theater in France,they started the movie and 2 min after It's blocked....we were all shoked like we hope it will work!!!finally they started it again ouf...and it was really GREAT!!!EPIC! what a wonderful idea of ending...nobody expected,and when they started killing everyone I was just shoked and cried but when we knew it was a vision,everyone started laughing and crying of happiness! Great THANKS to Bill Condon for that amazing film...and of course the main actors so gorgeous as usual!!!THANKS you girls for this site where we can all express our feelings!!!

  43. BD2 is epic. The fight scene it made stop breathing literally. When Carlisle, Jasper, Seth and Leah were killed, I said OMG, what's goin on. This can't be the ending. When it was revealed that, it's only Alice vision, I start breathing again...My body was shaking.

  44. I don't usually post on any (fan)sites, but I just want to share my feeling for the movie right now. Can't hold it any longer!
    OMG! So emotional and shocked even I knew the battle was just in Alice's/Aro's vision. And you know what, the whole audience didn't know it, of course (my friends cried watching the Cullens members got killed one by one), then ALL OF US clapped in relief as it wasn't real and our favorite characters weren't dead.

    And the ending! I knew "this is it" as soon as "A thousand years 2" was played. This was too much for my little heart. I couldn't help smiling and crying in happiness. The memories was about everything in the Saga, and yes, also about the beautiful thing that has happened "them" and US. 4 years of devotion to Twilight and this sweet happy ending has summarized the long road we've gone.
    Suddenly, I thought why 4 years was just like a blink, as if I got the first book yesterday and now the last movie is here.
    I'm so happy that I'm not the only one so into this love story, the movies, and RK. There're always you guys feeling the same feeling and crying for the same thing as me.
    Thank you, Twilight!!! Love you and never forget you and this fandom, the amazing Twihards as well!
    Thanks for reading! Sorry if my post annoys you 'cause English is not my mother tongue.

    Huhuhu! I hate that I'm crying again now.

  45. Omigosh!!!! That twist!!! I was like "nooooooo!!!!, what the?!?!?" And then "oh thank God!" So relieved. Perfect sappy ending. Loved the love scenes. Loved hearing Jacob and Bella laugh so genuinely in the car about "Dracula 1 and 2" just perfect. Feel closure. Can't wait to see again and again

  46. What about Renesmee? I LOVED THE MOVIE,but baby Renesmee not real! So fake! Why? The movie was the best of the 5, and i can't even believe that that they did this!

    1. Yeeeeah I so agreeeeeee w/ u !!! Can't understand

  47. I cried so much starting from when Carlisle was killed. I was like "I knew they were changing the ending but I DIDN'T THINK THIS WOULD HAPPEN. WHAT?!" All rational thought left the building. Esme's face afterwards... *crumbles* Everyone in my theatre gasped together and sat there like stone during the entire battle! Then we literally burst into laughter (VERY relieved) after the vision ended. It was amazing.

    Can I put Daddyward in my pocket or.....? He and Bella are gorgeous parents and Kristen did so SO well playing fierce Vampella. I really did love this movie. Great bits of romance and humour thrown in with the action. Can't wait to see it again!! I need to process it for now...maybe wallow and cry when I go to bed later to let out some more pent up emotion. Gah! (Do I torture myself and listen to ATY?)

  48. OMG!!! Watched last night and I found it to be f**ken EPIC!! Will never ever forget the feeling of sitting and waiting and when It finally started my whole body was in sappy mode!! :) :( I can't believe its finally over but that's nt gna stop me from watching as many times as I can until it goes off theatre! at least we have so many wonderful memoirs to take with us!!! And I'm so grateful for everything that has resulted from this saga... Most of all ROBSTEN!!!

    Thoughts on the movie:

    1) I felt like the happy moments/beginning of the movie went tooo fast!! Wish I cud have had more of the eleated joy that was illuminated...

    2)Nessie looked cute but weird in some of the pics... But credit goes to the cgi peeps for mixing mackenzie's face on all the kids!!

    3) The vampire sex... HOT!! God Kristen was trying to kill us... Wish we cudve had more bey hey its twilight nt 50shades ryt? ;) they just 'mixed' soooo well together in that scene! Every part of it was perfect and sensual and gave us a true glimpse of what true vamp sex shud be like!! Hehe

    4) Oh god the scene with edward and bella where he starts unbuttoning... Omg!! Was literally melting ryt there on my seat! "I'm so much better" *dead *dead *dead

    5) Kristens vamp transformation was brilliant I think the vbest performance so far!! She was perfect with all the different emotions!

    6) The fmaily moments were beyond cute... Can't get enough of it!

    7) The genuine laughting abt dracula 1 and 2 in the car between bels and jake was hilarious... There were many funny moments that I absoluetly loved! It was sooo much more of rob in the sheild scene than edward lol.. Loved it!

    8) Theee BIG finale... The entire theatre was like ahhhhhhh @ the carlisle moment!! After that it went completly silence!! I was in such a huge shock! Until I started noticing that they were winning and I sed to my partner that "this is prob a vision of alice" and truce god I was right!! Hah! They cudnt fool me! Lol but I only came to that conclusion coz I was trying to find every solution possible to what was happening!! Hehe

    The meadow was my big awww moment!! I held my tears back until then and it was abolutely perfect! Thank god for bill condon and his awesomeness!! It was a culmination of all the movies! And I was just soo excited that I had a chance to be apart of this fantasy romance will we will take about wen were old and gray!!

    Thanks for all u precious people who have made this journey soooo perfect! Thanks for this website ladies! It makes my day everyday!!

    Last of all thank u to RObsten without which life woulnt be as bright as it is... Thanks for the laughs, gutter moments, sappy moments... Genuine moments! They have shown us that love conquer all obsticles that r thrown at them!! Will always support them no matter what!! I knw they aren't perfect but their story gives sooo much hope to everyone and that in itself it a blessing to behold!!

    Thanks guys!! *Hugs and kisses and a HUGE shoutout from South Africa

  49. Breaking Dawn 2 was by far the best movie of the series. Kristen as Bella, Rob as Edward, Taylor as Jacob, Mackenzie as Renesmee, Michael as Aro, Peter as Carlisle, & Billy as Charlie portrayed their roles superbly, as well as the new vampires and other cast members. The casting was perfect. Bill Condon captured the heart of story through his directing of this movie. Breaking Dawn 2 creates an endearing intensity throughout the entire movie and I can't wait to buy the DVD. Touche on a job well done. Thank you Kristen and Robert for your hard work and dedication to the series.

  50. So I went to a double feature and saw the part one first just to bring myself back into the mode. Then I sat and watched part 2 and I was in aw the whole time. It did seemed a bit rushed but in thinking back the points that happened did come back to back so the way they fell in the movie did work. When Edward and Belle came home for the first time I felt it done in a awesome way the way it was borderline animal yet sensual, it showed to people finally putting their guards down and connecting more then they had before. I was cheering during the arm wrestling scene though always in disbelief of the size of Kellan's arm. Ok... the fight scene I sat in chair with my legs drawn up gasping in tears at what was happening. I starting sweating and thinking this can't be happening right now! Then the realization that it was a vision of what could happen... everyone in the theater was cheering that it was so well done. I must mention that everyone was cheering and clapping when Alice drug Jane to Sam so he could have the honors (yay) and then the Denali's sister both ripping Caius apart genius. Though Markus was funny for he never cared what happened no matter what, even though "finally" explained him completely. When Belle was donned the honors of killing Aro was the icing on the cake. So by the time the next scene started I was balling like a baby. Seeing Renesme leaning on Jacob I lost it, it still makes me tear up thinking about it. It was ended and such a fantastic note that I stand and applaud Bill Condon! I can't wait to make time to see it 4 more times!

  51. When Aro took off Carlisle's head and then Jasper lost his, I was ready to go home and burn Stephanie's books and write a really nasty letter to Bill. Then...yea! They were both redeemed. I was totally punked!!! Awesome movie.

  52. I watch 3 times today,it's amazing I really enjoy and give me heart attack when I first watch the battle scene.Kristen is badass vampire and she nailed it,so beautiful and kick ass.I love the baby look I think it's really cute.I love the hunt,sex scene and Jacob and Charlie scene.I can't wait to watch over and over again.I watch breaking Dawn part 1 8 times so maybe I watch this 10 times coz it's the last I need to enjoy it.

  53. What a TWIST it was! I thought I was going to have a heart attack at the theatre, (which I already have a heart problem to begin with.) It was truly UNEXPECTED and I was so SHOCKED. BRILLIANT job. What a way to end the series. Loved it!

  54. I loved the movie it was amazing. Edward was very relaxed funny and very much the head of the family. loved bella who was like a little kid who loved learning new things Like woohoo look what I can do cute. I even liked Jacob wow did I just say that. loved it all so much.

  55. Aside form the mediocre performance *cough* kella *cough* CGI bothered me.. ALOT. But I enjoyed the movie overall.

  56. people clapped at that 'fight scene'

  57. My daughter and I went to the marathon yesterday and will be taking one of her friends tomorrow to see BD2. I wish I was in the presence of Bill Condon, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner (and well the whole freaking cast) so I can bow down to them. This was the best of all of them. Kudos also to Melissa Rosenberg for an awesome script they had to work with. Kristen kicked total *ss as Vamp Bella. Edward was handsome, relaxed, and comical at times. Vampire sex scenes were scorching hot - wanted more of that!!! I had read spoiler post on another site before I went so i knew about the "vision" but I was oohing, aahing, cheering and clapping along with the rest of the theatre during the fight scene. It was amazing!! Can't wait to see it over and over again. Thank you Stephanie Meyer for having a dream, writing it down and sharing it with the world.

  58. Wow!! Just saw it. It was fabulous! So many things that I loved, but the fight scene!!! I can't stop thinking about it!!! I kept thinking through it when Carlisle's head is ripped off, WHATTTT!!!!! Okay, they'll reattach it because he is a vampire, OH NO! He is on fire!!! SHIT!!!! The more people, wolves that got killed the madder I got. I was saying, Shit!! They have ruined this entire series, WTF!!! Ahhh, then the reveal that it was a vision, Brilliant!! What a ride, cried the entire last portion after the fight. Brilliant!

  59. Thanks Bill Condon for giving us fans the best Forever moment ever! The "twist" in the movie was done so precisely and believable and to see the entire theater react so passionate, I will never forget that energy! Hats off to Rob and Kristen and Taylor for making this movie the best in the series!

  60. It was so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The whole theater gasped when they saw Carlisle's head. I loved Edward the most in this film....especially in the battle scene. Rob would make an awesome daddy. The whole twist thing was a great idea, was so shocked. Going to be weird next year in November knowing there is not another movie.

  61. Just got home from seeing it. OMG, OMG, OMG and OMG! The best of them all. Totally did not see that twist coming. The entire theatre gasp and people were going NO! when Carlisle's head was in Aro's hand. I actually said NOT CARLISLE! I was totally belieiving it was real. Did not see this coming and loved it. I loved the credits and oh, when Alice showed Edward the future at the end. The love scene was excellent. Finally! Wish they would make a directors cut of that! I took my grandson. At the end when A Thousand Years was playing in the credits he started singing with it. We sing it in the car a lot. People around us started smiling. I just can't say enough about the movie. I even dressed for the occasion. Black skinny jeans and my little black shoes in honor of Kristen. Had on my piano keyboard black and white socks for Robert, V-necked Twilight t-shirt that says "I never received my letter from Hogwarts so I'm moving to Forks to live with the Cullins." Sparkling nail polish and a shirt in honor of Jacob who never gets to wear one! The v-necked tee has another meaning as well. I'll let you figure that one out. Such a great way to end the franchise. Can't say enough good stuff about it. Thank you Stephanie for such a great love story on so many levels. Thank you Twilight cast and crew for all of your hard work. And whoever you are at Anonymous at 6:41 p.m. your are not a Twilight fan. I don't know why you are here but, just like the Volturi, make a better decision. Love you Robsten Dreams. Thanks for not giving up and for being here. Love you guys!

  62. When the whole scened started even before the fight, my husband and my grandson grabbed my hands on each side. We just about broke each other's hands when that fight started. I totally did not see that coming. But I am glad they did it. Genius is not even the correct word for that ending. Haven't been stung like that since "The Sting". Just too good for words. I loved Rob in this. I also liked how we were seeing them as they see each other as vampires. And Charlie, was great.

    Kristen and Rob have been playing Bella and Edward like they were written. People that say otherwise have never picked up the books. As I've said before "Read the books." You really can't understand these characters unless you do.

    Just loved it. I have always thought we were seeing Rob and Kristen's love in these movies. Definitely saw it in this one. Especially the love scene. Love the undressing comment. Is it hot in here? Whew!

  63. I was about to die when Carlisle died, then when Seth fell started crying. Alice is the sneakiest Cullen ever! Edward kinda looked like he was flying when he came out of the hole in the ground. One of my favorite scenes was when Jake was undressing and Charlie was just like, "Um.. Jake...What are you doing?" Then his face, that was priceless moment.

  64. WAWWWWWWW.... loved it.... took my bro along, he is such a twi hard now!!

  65. I don't know if I am just sad that it is over and it has consumed my everyday since 2009 but I am feeling kind of meh about the movie. I liked it but didn't love it. I thought the twist was WOW! I loved Bella as a vampire. Loved the last scene when 'a thousand years' was playing and the final credits. I loved how they credited everyone from all the films. I guess I'm just disappointed that it is over.

  66. AAHHHHHHH!!! I AM BEYOND AMAZED AND SPEECHLESS ABOUT BREAKING DAWN PART 2!! I loved everything about it! The one and only thing I did NOT like about the movie was Renesmee looking so fake and weird! I loved how Edward and Bella were sooo protective and loving towards each other and Renesmee. The ending was absolutely CRAAZYYY!!! I was gasping, crying, and laughing all at the same time! I couldn't keep my emotions straight. I am soo speechless right now its not even funny! I am gonna totally go watch this movie again. I am so happy to be a twilight fan and I will be a twilight fan forever!

    1. fake baby was very weird for me too

  67. Let me tell I am biggest twihard. now my bro doesnt give a shit to the whole saga. I took him along /// Pls do read what he had to say abt it...... . now he has no clue abt it at all,,, Hes never watched the movies or read the books... he knows its a big deal.. thts all he knows abt it.... let me give u His reactions. they are amusing...
    WAWWWWWWWWWWW " Who is that girl, She is so fine" wawwww u never told me abt her!!!!!!
    Oh god.... look at her... she a godess...
    And I said " Dear Bro, that is kirsten Stewart"....
    " What,, why is bella angry with jacob. whats the fite abt"
    "he imprinted on her daugther..."
    wait.. whats imprinting??????
    I was like.. eyes rolling.. "I told u to let me tell u abt the story bfore, now be quiet..."
    " Wait....Who is coming, why are they tryin to kill renesmee... that kid looks weird, but who cares her moms hot"
    Now he started clapping and howling fo r th ebattle scene and I was shocked. what, he doesnt even know abt vampires, but when edward and bella ripped Aros head he almost fell off his seat and was clappin........ and when jane was chased.... he was so happy,,, I dont even think he knows who jane is... Now if my brother was enthralled by the battle I am sure it was taken well and thumbs up to the actors and Bill condon....
    In the car back,,,, He said" Oh I just hate u, I never thot u wud make me also like twilight"
    I was like " really,,,,, u liked it"
    " Wawwww.. wat a battle" " I loved the head ripping" : Now tell me abt this Kirsten

    1. Her name is Kristen not Kirsten.

    2. Get over it people

    3. Tell your bro to google her name and enjoy!!!! I am cracking up....!!!!! Love me some KStew too!!!!

  68. Ok... I am a robsten, a robsten and a big robsten!!!!!!!!. Now I am such a silent silent Twihard, I have been for past 4 yrs :) From October 10th I have been going crazy readin the books again and again , rewatchin the movies, rewinding all the scenes.... Now I love the whole saga, dont get me wrong.... But I felt it was a rush in the beginning.... ALL the scenes of her intimacy with edward I was already familair with from the trailers..... and I have seen the trailers so many times that the beautiful scenes had already captured my breath away bfore so I really wasnt astonished in the theater.... so many of the scenes were on the trailer.. the arm wrestling, the cottage, the waking up of bella, jacobs undressing in front of bellas dad... renesmee running on jacob wolf... jacob meetin bella for first time as a vampire.... I had seen the comic con 10 min of BD 2 bfore and then when Edward said I love U to bella I just melted, his tone, that definetly was breathtaking..... maybe I had memorised everything so much that the theater wasnt the most awaited moment for me.... or maybe its coz I just love bella and edward and I wanted to see more of them together than the battle or something.... maybe I just miss and want more of kirsten and rob..... although I do feel all their scenes were great.........
    no 1- Hot vampire sex,, I just love how they tore the clothes.... and their ecstacy faces, looked really real and great chemistry, kirstens eyes are so captivating, and she looked beautiful.... and him kissing her neck was very erotic I have to say although the trailers revealed that as well...
    no 2 - Rob was funny alot in this one which is refreshing to watch esp with the electric shock scene with emett, arm wrestling and when bella fites with jacob.
    no 3 ---- even though I have seen it many times when renesmee runs to edward..... oh god...... u feel so much love for them... that moment was so great and emotional.....
    no 4--- benjamins talents were well displayed... kate and tanya were good and garett was sexy... : : The red coats are comin" The red coats are comin... haha

    no 5---- The battle scene was great..... bella and edward kicked ass and when carlisle died and jasper oh godddd... but i knida knew it a little so I spoiled it for myself.. not blaming anyone there.......
    no 6..... the killing of Jane was absoloutely brilliant, I was so happy she was running for her life.
    no 7 jacob callin edward dad was so fun
    no 8 jacob abt dracula 1 and dracula 2 was just so jacob and took me back to the old movies....
    no 9 kirsten and rob were sizzling at the end,,,,,, with her sheild broken for him and the meadow and the looking back and all......
    no 10-------- turining the pages to forever was so emotional...
    the credits were amazing esp when they showed rob, kristen and taylor.... ohhhh I cant beleieve we will never see them together like this again... never again will we see our jacob bella and edward so much in love like this again....... ahhhhhh.. cant wait for the DVD.


    I thot that kirstens sheild power cud have been displayed more, esp in the book where renesmee helps her to get the power, I was disappointed it wasnt there.
    Her and J jenkinss scene missed a little,, although seattle and kirsten looked so stunning that I just stared at kirsten all the time. I wanted more of it, I guess thats what I feel abt the movie..

    gonna watch BD part 1 again :) now ;)

  69. Finally watched Breaking Dawn Part 2 and it was epic! I ruined 2 of my favorite hankies because I forgot my tissues!

    The wait was so worth it, being in the cinema at 10am and in front of the long line was worth it... The Twilight Saga was worth it!

    TwiHard forever

  70. OMG OMG OMG this movie was amazing they are not other word to describe it I LOVED IT. When they killed Carlisle i had a heart attack it was the worst feeling ever. I think they did an amazing job love bella and edward as parents they were great. This is my favorite movie of the saga just perfect Thanks to Stephanie, bill, kristen, rob, taylor and all the rest of the cast for this 5 amazing years they did a great job ... and thanks to robestendreams you guys have done an amazing job I LOVE youR website i check it every day and I will remain a loyal fan =)

  71. Breaking Dawn Part 2- BEST MOVIE EVER! Spent 11 hours watching marathon and still can't stop crying... Thanks to the whole crew ;** I can't even express my feeling...

  72. just watched it today, all i can say is OMG,WOW, so was not expecting that battle scene, I heard about a shock twist and thought that this was it, totally believed it but thank god it was the vision, phewwwww, everyone's eyes were glued to the screen the whole time.

    Was such a great movie,best one, loved it, thank you to all, going to miss having something to look forward to, but will cherish the dvd's, what a saga :):)

  73. This is my 2nd post, watched BD2 today again my 2nd time. And it just get better. I'm planning it again tomorrow with my aunt. The whole theatre was screaming when Aro killed Carlisle, and then cheering every main character of Volturi being killed. When Jane was chased by Alice the crowd were cheering and clapping, especially when Sam rip her head off. I appreciated it so much, even though there are a lot of teens, they're very quiet during the dialogue.

  74. Loved the movie I've watched it 3 time, everyone was amazing, Bella the new vampire was so cool, Edward was so amazing as daddyward and oozes coolness and just a superstar, Jacob was great and funny, all the cast were fabulous. just didn't feel the love from Bella as was written in the books, in the books she was all over Edward and in the movie I didn't get that I love you desperately vibe from her

  75. Movie was amazing! Loved it! Felt like I was having an extended heart attack once the fighting began - not Carlisle, not Jasper, OMG, NO! when Edward fell into the chasm, I almost died. I was saying to myself - it's the end, I guess they can do whatever they want but OMG. There was a loud sigh of relief in the whole theater and much nervous giggling once we saw it was Alice's vision.
    Definitely seeing it a couple more times.

  76. Breaking Dawn Part 2 was unbelievable!!!!the greatest movie i've ever seen....i laughed, cried(a lot)and when i saw the last seen in which Bella shows her thoughts to Edward i remembered why i fell in love with the movies and why i feel in love with Robsten!!!!!when i saw the pages from the books i became 14 again.....when i first started to read Twilight and fell in love with Edward!all i wanna say is that Twilight will never be over because we,the Twihards,will keep it alive FOREVER!!!!we will talk about it and about these GREAT ACTORS(KRIS ROB and TAYLOR)to our kids and grandkids and read the books to them!i'm almost 19...i don't know anything about life....but i know one thing:Twilight changed my life, made me more mature and love life and people because we live once!and remember:Once a TWIHARD always a TWIHARD!

    guys the movies are over but Twilight is finally i'd like to thank Stephanie Katherine, Chris,David,Bill,Wyck,Melissa,Kristen,Robert,Taylor and the whole cast for bringing this amazing story into our lives and into our heart!Also thank you guys for mking me feel like home the last few'll be forever in my heart!!!!

    So thank you all for this journey and do your best in your life!!!!

    P.S this is not my goodbye....i just feel so emotional right now....i'll never live this family!see you in the next Robsten movies!bye for now....

  77. I just got up a little bit ago and woke up crying. Not for the reasons you might think but because I had an epihany. My husband lost his lower right leg two years ago and almost lost his life in the process. I was the one who had to give the okay to amputate and I had no idea how he was going to take it. I only started reading the Twilight books two years ago this fall and fell in love with them. I had to watch the first 3 movies on dvd and have seen BD1 & 2 on screen. Back to my husband. It occured to me when I woke up that no matter what happens to either of us we have forever. If you believe in heaven and how to get there, then you know what I mean. Sure, one of us will get there before the other, but we will have our forever. Never really thought about it before this movie.
    One more thing, my daughter and son-in-law are going to go later in the week. I can hear her now when the fight starts. Will probably say "What the ****!" H*** no!" I'm almost 100% certain of her reaction. Just can't stop thinking about this movie. Just loved it. I plan on following Rob, Kristen, Taylor, and all of the Twilight cast careers for a long time. They totally were the characters. If you don't think so, read the books. Great job!
    I have never been in a theater where the people reacted so strongly to a scene as we all did to the fight scene. My husband even said that was a real roller coaster ride. Cool way to let us all get our revenge on the Volturi without it really happening. Loved Aro's reaction when Caius brought up about wolves and he looked at him and shook his head. Very good moment. I have got to see this again. And I don't usually do repeats. Wow and love you Twilight!

  78. I just watched it and I am in awe. In awe of the action, the actors and the whole movie <3 Actually, I've enjoyed the film more than I'd enjoyed the book. And the ending just KILLED ME... I definitely didn't see that one coming. I literally had tears in my eyes at the final scene... SO MOVING AND RELEVANT AND PERFECT!!! I could go on like this FOREVER <3

  79. Amazing, awsome, there are no words....I start cried when Carlisle die, I gried a few Niagara when seth dies and lauhgt a lot when Jacob ask from Edward, Do I call already you my father of law:)

  80. amazing, i had a laugh, i cried...totally words can explain

  81. Was there a dance off at the end, did I miss it ? Or is it in the dvd?

  82. I saw it today and I'm still shocked! The whole cinema freaked out when Aro held Carlisle head.. and after that Jasper... it was so shocking but when I realized it was a version I was so relieved and so... I don't know how I can describe my feelings... nothing can explained it...

    I loved that scene:"Dude you're not motivating her!", "You wanna' try?!", "Nope."
    It was so hilarious xD and especially Emmet in so many scenes^^

    And I think at a few scenes you could saw Rob and/or Kristen and not Edward and/or Bella. For example the scene where Edward hold Renesmee in his arms.

    When Jacob transformed in front of Charlie in a werewolf I only laughed :D

    I could write so much but i think it's enough :))

  83. OMG, it was amazing. I don´t now how to tell you. I don´t have any words.

  84. Kristen has done an excellent job in all of the Twilight movies. She has played Bella to perfection and then some. Kristen as a vampire....wish we had more of that! Wish they had more Bedward sex scenes like the book...for goodness sake that is all Bella and Edward do is have sex for most of BD. Feel ripped off there. Could have died when Carlisle got killed....all good in the end though. Can't wait for the DVD...was disappointed no dance scene after credits rolled...damn just sat there like an idiot...thanks Bill...LOL!

  85. Emmet was extremely funny in this movie, made me like him even more!
    And when Carlisle "died" I panicked..

    The movie was great, awesome, fantastic EVERYTHING!

  86. OMG I loved it, it was so good I cried when people started dying and again at the end with all the credits, but my friend who hadn't read the books grabbed my hand when the Volturi came. I loved how funny Emmet was but I wished he used my innuendos when Charlie was there like in the book ***** 5 Stars!!!!!

  87. When I saw Aro holding CarlIse's head, there was a collective gasp across the theater, followed by a resounding 'NOOOOO!' I was totally shocked and then went into mourning when the others died. I know my mind was racing trying to figure out it was going to end. After a lengthy silence, there was joyful relief when the audience realized what really happened. Kudos to the director and Stephanie Meyers for movie moment i will never forget!

  88. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!i haven't read the books so you can imagine how shocking it was for me!!!!
    when Charlie and Jasper "died" i was like:"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and ready to friends and ALL the people in the room ,too!Plus,all the sweet love scenes between Edward and Bella...i was ready to cry there too.The shocking ending made the movie sooo incredible and i believe Stephanie Meyer created a soooo amazing ending that left ALL the fans of the book and the movies completely satisfied!!!Of course, Kristen and Rob were both so GREAT and they did an amazing work.i really LOVE their love scene!!!!Plus, all the other actors,the director and ALL the people behind the movie did an excellent work which will be memorable!!!!!

    TOTAL REACTION: go and see the movie (if you haven't) it is EXCELLENT!!!It really is THE EPIC FINALLE OF TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  89. Holy hell, batman! That was the scariest, most emotional roller coaster ride EVER!!

  90. I have loved it, I will go see BD2 again, and again, and again. Thanks to all for the wonderful job they have done through the movies, and particularly BD1 and 2. Great job, congratulations !

  91. I loved it:D But it's hard I can't believe it's over:( When I left the cinema on Friday I felt slightly low and a little sad I don't know if thats just me lol.I was delighted they put in the fight scene, it was the climax of the whole movie and had my heart racing even though I had already found out it was a vision. The ending when Bella opens her mind was so beautiful and perfect. I loved the vamp-sex scene, it was steamy but romantic at the same time and when they end up on the floor I died. I loved mommy Bella( I thought Kristen was incredible as a vampire and mother) and Daddyward although I wish we had seen more a montage for Renesmee aging. I wanted to see a toddler renesmee and so on and for that I was slightly disappointed. I thought the new vamps were awesome but being Irish myself, I thought the Irish coven were just terrible. We are horribly stereotyped. We don't all have red hair and have strong accents!! LOL everyone in my screening laughed when ever the Irish were on or had a line. My favourite was Benjiman. I thought he was so cool:D I also loved the humour in it, It made it less angsty and more light. I find it hard to process my thoughts on the movie right now I have too many...I'll have to see it again to fully absorb it.

    However, Rob.Kristen, Taylor and the rest of the cast, Well done. It really is the best one. Bill condon is a GOD and wyck and melissa are Angels:D And ms Stephaine Meyer, Thank you thank you for giving us the story we love so much. It will live forever just like it's characters.

    Although It's over Im excited to see what's next for R/K in the future and I will support and follow their careers. Thank you Robsten Dreams for all your work through our very last promo. Appreciated:D

  92. Just got home from seeing BDP2 and there are no words to describe it!!! It's an emotional rollercoster and I love love love the ending and the sex scene was VERY steamy!!! Best movie I have seen in years!!!!

  93. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II, is the best movie of the series. The ending is so incredible, and believable until you realize it's Alice's vision. And this movie has some great funny moments.
    Rob really did a great job:) (again:)


  95. I absolutely LOVED it! Rob and Kristen were amazing, they should be so proud!
    I LOVED the twist even though I spent the entire time shaking and swearing profusely!lol The whole cast and crew did an amazing job bringing it all together one final time. I did find the cgi baby a little bit creepy too but I’m not sure how else they could have done it and it wasn’t distracting enough to detract from the story as a whole.
    The ending was beautiful; it was truly bittersweet to see this saga we have all followed for so long come to a close.
    I’m sad that’s it over but Rob and Kristen have many great opportunities ahead of them and I can’t wait to see what each of them do next! :)

    I did have one question, when Alice and Aro are in the snowfield and he reads her vision how is it possible her visions aren’t clouded due to the werewolves presence or does Bella’s shield protect this?
    Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve read the books!



  97. Had to wait till tonight to see it...that was 5 hours ago and we are STILL talking about it...Sooooo Sooo Good!!!! ;)

  98. I was having a trouble to breath normally. I had no idea why I was so anxious once I got inside the theater and sat down. I kept telling my self to keep it all together. And when the movie began, that energy spread.

    Just like you guys, I have been obsessed with this thing and it's been such a personal experience. I managed to convince some or as I say lots and lots of my friends to watch Twilight movies for the first time, and they love it just as much. They identify with this things like I do.

    We were holding hands throughout the movie. We screamed, we laughed, we cried, together. And it's true. That shared energy was the coolest. It was very igniting, it spread. When you like something and you can share it with your friends and they like it too, suddenly you guys love it thousand times more. Because you share it.

    And that SHOCKER everyone has been talking about! Mygod, WELP. My friends and I literally couldn't handle it. It was so unbelievably amazing that we couldn't say a word. I truly believed that our heart stopped beating for a couple of seconds during the last fifteen minutes of the movie. I stayed until the credits. And literally was the one to leave the theater. Feeling very emotional, sappy, shaking gosh. The movie did something to me, I was so moved by it you have no idea.

    AMAZING MOVIE with BEAUTIFUL SOUNDTRACK and RIDICULOUSLY TALENTED CASTS&CREWS. This movie is clearly made by the person who loves and understands it as much as we the fans do. One of my friend even told me that this was beyond her expectations and she loved it and she thought that the last movie of the saga is even better than all Harry Potter movies in 1. And she is NOT even a Twihard. Just the usual go-see-movies type of a person.

    I just wanna say THANK YOU SO MUCH for BILL CONDON. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Thank you for everything. And for Stephenie, for creating this world. I was twelve or thirteen when I discovered this world, and now I'm seventeen. Thanks for staying this whole time and growing up together. "After 12 years of being utterly ordinary, I finally found I could shine. My time as normal human is over, and my time as a Twihard is just begun. I've never felt more alive. With you guys, in this world that we keep near and dear to heart, together." :')

    I can't believe it's finally coming out of my mouth and because of that it feels more real and more emotional. But you guys, yeah it's been tremendous five years and, IT'S DONE NOW. God, I need to hold on to something as I'm writing this down rite now. Time flies so fast. I just wanna thank every and each one of you. And to God too, for sticking us together, as a whole, a perfect rounded circle.

    I agreed with what Kristen has been saying in interviews. We don't need to let go or say goodbye to anything or to each other. We will have this experiences and memories forever. We can hold on to them. And we don't have to close the door or open a new chapter. We can leave it open, and look back, reminisce the tings we've been through, whenever we want to. I feel like the need for all of you guys in the fandom and the casts and directors and crews that have been involved this last 5 years to know, that I love you guys. You guys will always have that special spot in my heart. :') :') :')

    "The Epic Finale that Will Live Forever"

    17 y/o. Indonesia.

  99. I love it!
    Even I read some of the spoiler,didn't really got spoiled.~ lol ~ I really thought the whole fighting scene was really happening, I got fooled so was everyone in the theater! Nice!
    How I wish the sex scene was more but what can I say its PG-13.
    Love almost every scenes but the last scene when Bella was unshielding her shield to Edward, that made my eyes a bit misty. Love their love for each other.

    Thanks you.

  100. I kinda feel sad now that it's come to an end. I know this means bigger and better things for Rob and Kristen but I'm going to miss all this. What Now????

  101. Ok so i have seen it three times now and I only cry more and more!! I am truly gonna miss this so much, it's like we get a glimps of robsten!! I just bought he soundtrack and as much as I lOve Bella and Edward, all I think of is robsten!! I love them, I truly do, it's just freaking weird how much they mean to me!! Maybe it's cause of the journey we went with them, but all the memories come Back, what they went through and where they are today!! The movie is amazing, the only thing I wished for is more affectionate looks from Bella To Edward, cause that's what we all fell in love with, is the love story and I didnt like how she was sitting with jacob when Edward was saying the speech, it would of been nice to c her stand with Edward!! Besides that, I can't get enough of it, it literally took my breath away!! Can't wait to watch it again!! Thank you rob and Kristen, for everything and I will always follow and support you :)

  102. I am. heartbroken that its over, it was amazing and I have loved them for so long. I will have twilight forever and I will love Robsten. forever. so emotional I can't stop crying. feeling the withdrawals already.

  103. Love the movie and I have to say Rob was sweeter, hotter and sexier then ever. I have no words what can't this man do. Edward so perfect in every way
    everyone was amazing I am going to really miss this

  104. Remeber everyone, we will always have robsten :D to follow, to worship, they hopefully will always be, there is something special between these 2, there's no denying it and we will watch them, support them, the journey hasn't stopped, it's just began!!!

    1. Worship? Really? I hope now that the movies are over, the publicity dies down surrounding these 2 and they get some peace.

    2. Worship??????


  105. Wow this movie was amazing , when they show that it was just a vision I felt so sorry sor Marco (vultury) because he wanted to die so much ... and when they killedr carlise I almost jumped out of my seat and went into the movie .... and every time they kill someone I was the only One clapping especially when they killed Jane and awwwwwwwww when leah died fot esme that was the sweetest thing because she Does not like the cullens and she died for One of them.

  106. OMG that was the movie ever?

  107. I didn't like the beginning at all. I thought the beginning with Bella waking up... the first hunt... Jacob... then Charlie. The whole thing felt very choppy. As if there were scenes that had been filmed but not used. I wish the very first scene had been more time with Bella coming to, all of the Cullens should have been there. They didn't develop Bella the vampire's character at all. I wish they had taken 10-15 minutes out of the finale and used it to develop the beginning more, it needed it.

    As for the ending, at first I hated it.. felt totally duped. Too much like "Who shot JR" or the Holodeck. But having a days worth of introspection, I will admit, it was genius. And Alices visions always played a main role in the movies so I am OK with it now.

    It will not be my favorite movie. I think New Moon or BD1 will be.

    1. I did enjoy it, but tbh its nice to find someone who also wasn't entirely happy with the whole thing. It was really good in places, but for me it lacked a lot of the emotion I got from the book. One particular scene that really got me in the book (we probably all have different fave moments) was when Charlie meets Renesmee and they are explaining that she is Edward's niece then they realise from Charlie's reaction to the resemblance between all three of them (and tries to do the math in his head) that its not going to wash with him so they have to tell him the truth that she is their daughter, that was an intense moment when I read that but was glossed over with the strange scene when he mentions Renesmee has the same eyes as Bella and he guess its 'need to know' :-( So down played, when really he should have been much more blown away that his daughter has had a baby. Also the baby! I know it was going to be hard to show a baby that could behave in a much older way but I had higher expectations, but I guess I was spoiled from the effects of emaciated pregnant Bella in part 1 as that was so realistic it was horrifying! I loved the hunt scene and the scene when Bella gives Jacob a slap around for imprinting. The battle scene was really impressive too but I had a feeling it was a vision almost immediately because I thought there is no way Bill would dare to change the ending by killing some of the beloved characters of the fans. Still it was clever. The scene when Bella shows Edward the images of her memory of them was very sweet and I did remember that from the book as I remember thinking that it was sweet when reading it. Overall I enjoyed it but not as much as the first one and BD part 1. They are my favourites.

    2. Yep, I agree, was choppy ! Was a bit disappointed, and shat about baby nessie ??? My favorite is new moon!!!!

    3. yes choppy. the movie was rushed. bill should have extended time to make movie more complete.


  109. saw it today here in italy (obviously it is dubbed in Italiano) but i loved it! such a rollercoaster ride of emotions all through out. kristen was great here as vamp bella. ok that twist in the end? at some point i accepted carlisle's death cause i was thinking maybe edward will replace him as head of the clan, actually i got a little disappointed when it was only a vision, i liked how edward and bella tore aro into pieces. i was like he so deserved it after killing carlisle that way! and then the field scene with edward and bella, her thoughts finally read by edward with the thousand years song, so bittersweet really! loved it loved it loved it!

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. I have to say I'm dissapoited of the effects...

    When Bill said "this movie has more effects than Avatar" I really thought that it would be a lot better than it was.

    Why does it have to look so cheap?? Specially after a year with amazing visuals from The avengers and the dark knight.

    The wolves looks really fake and the baby Reneesme was just playing weird.

    I'm sorry I have to say it. Summit has made billions with Twilight. Why didn't they spend a little more on that???

  112. I watched the movie yesterday but I got home too emotional to comment...

    Anyway, I'm not giving away any spoilers, I'd just like to say that BD-p2 is more than just great! It gave justice to the book as it should, and yet, it's breathtaking & mindblowing... During half the movie I had a huge smile on my face, and during the other half I was crying tears of tenderness...So intense...
    I'm happy I hadn't watched or read any spoilers, because even though I was aware of the story, everything came as a pleasant surprise!
    Btw, people in my theatre cheered for Kristen as much as they cheered for Rob and Taylor! It felt so good!

    And now the circle is complete... Everything has come to an end... I still don't feel ready to let it go...
    Rob, Kristen & Taylor, thank you for breathing life to three of my friends I love the most! It wouldn't be the same without you.
    And thank you to everyone involved in the production of all of the five movies, for making this possible! You created an era that made the last five years amazing!

    There might not be an other movie, but nothing has ended... We are always gonna have the books & the movies to keep the Twilight Saga alive... FOREVER

  113. So I wanted to wait to post something until I was able to see it a second time. I've found that I tend to enjoy these movie much more the second time around. I truly loved it! I thought Kristen was amazing not only as a vampire but as a mom. I knew she would be great but she exceeded my expectations. She was absolutely perfect. Rob was also perfect as a father. It makes me tear up just thinking about them as parents-they were brilliant.

    I loved the opening credits-the music paired with the previous movies' landscape shots-it was a beautiful way to reminisce. Last spring my husband took me to Oregon where twilight was filmed-we saw Charlie's house, the school, the diner, the waterfall from the baseball scene and the place where the prom was filmed. It was incredible. Seeing the Columbia River and the waterfall shots though in Part 2 was just so sweet. Right off the bat I was crying.

    I have to admit that I wish the beginning of the movie had been longer. I just wish that we could have seen more of Bella as a vampire early on and more of Renesmee growing up. It just seemed really rushed to me.

    I thought it was interesting that the scene where Irina visits in the movie, Bella, Renesmee and Jacob were going for "a walk" rather than hunting like in the book. I was curious to see how they were going to portray Renesemee, a child, hunting. I liked seeing her catch the snowflake rather than being on the prowl for was very sweet.

    I appreciated that Melissa Rosenberg kept much of the same dialogue from the book-most notably Bella's line to Jacob about his "moronic wolfy claim" to Renesmee. So great :)

    I loved that the backpack Bella packs for Renesmee and Jacob was very similar to her reddish/orange backpack from high school. I'm sure they did that on purpose.

    The love scene between E and B was very sexy and sweet. I liked that it was noticeably different from the honeymoon scene. I was worried that we wouldn't see that much of a difference in the two scenes. I wanted to be able to tell that Edward wasn't going to "hold out" on Bella and I wanted to see her in a more dominant role. Of course, I wish it could have been longer-stupid PG-13 rating!

    The final scene in the meadow was beautiful. Just thinking about it makes me cry. I'm glad that it took place in the meadow rather than at the cottage like the book. The meadow was their special place so of course it make sense to have the final scene take place there. I loved the closing credits- it was wonderful to see everyone's faces again and say a final "goodbye" to them. Plus the incorporation of the pages from the books-I totally lost it when the final line appeared. It was perfect.

    I can't believe it's over now. I think I'm in a bit of denial. I can't bring myself to come to terms with the fact that this time next November we won't have another movie to see. How can it really be over? I know that we will have more to look forward to with Kristen and Rob but it won't be the same. What to do now that the saga has come to an end??? I guess I'll just have to re-read the books again :)

  114. OMG There are so many moments that made this my favorite Twilight Movie out of all the others. Furst of all the beginning when Bella wakes up and sees Edward and she tells him, she loves him-Aww. And then hugging him tightly and he is like Bella your stronger then me now lol. I loved loved loved when Bella finds out Jacob imprinted omg. The whole theater could not stop laughing. It was so good. It was even better then I pictured it when I first read the book. You named my daughter after the lockness monster? lol. The arm wrestle scene was as well funny. Don't hurt yourself Emmett and then seeing Bella being all proud of herself and she couldn't believe she beat Emmett.

    The new vampires were so cool. My favorite was of course Garette and Kate. I totally ship them. I loved when Bella was practicing her shield and Emmett was like Edward your not helping her concentrate and Edward was like he want to do it lol. The battle scene omg. There were so many moments that has me out of my seat practically screaming and shocked. When Carisle head was cut off from Aro. I was like NO!!!! Then Jasper and Edward and Esme almost falling into the cut up ground. It was crazy. Then of course rooting for Alice when she killed Jane and Edward and Bella fighting Aro. OMG. So many moments. I was so relieved that is was all a vision. In the book the battle never happened but it was such a great twist that it made you believe that it was happening lol.

    Another great scene was when Edward was looking and Nessie and Jacob comes over and says so it looks like she will be living a long time. Then he says should I start calling you dad and Edward is like No. lol. Last but not least when Bella lets Edward read her thoughts. I lost it. The music and the look back and how we all fell in love with this amazing story in the first place. It brought back so many emotions. I cried so much and then the credits at the end just made it even more. This movie had everything, action, comedy, romance, etc. I loved every minute of it.


  115. Great epic finish.
    loved Edward as the peaceful and powerful head of his family, bella great as a new vamp but could have been more loving towards edward. overall was fantastic.

    1. Yeh I too found she shows very little emotion, I feel after the sex scene is the only moment she showed real love. too many scenes scripted with Taylor. even during Edwards speech she should have been by her husband's side.

    2. Don' forget when she shows Edward her thoughts that was a magical moment between them. but we all wanted so much more.

    3. Yeah I agree, I wanted so so much more!! I don't know why they didn't!!! This obsession with pg 13, get over it summit, please show us more on the DVD, I think we truly deseve more, between Edward and Bella, we need it, please please!!!!

  116. I watched it yesterday and all the 3 theaters at the cinema were full. The shocker was indeed a shocker!!! The fight scenes were awesome. I felt like I was watching an action movie.

    The ending/meadow scene made me cry when they showed scenes from the past Twilight films. For me it also told Rob and Kristen's story, how their love started... Also, it's very sweet how Edward could read Bella's mind and then the background music was just perfect! OMG, I still cry whenever I remember it. I'm gonna see it again this weekend and the weekend after.

  117. Oh yeah I would also like to add that people clapped their hands after the movie ended. They also cheered for Taylor, Rob and Kristen. The movie's sooo great it deserved that applause.

  118. I watched BD2 a couple of days ago and I haven't stopped crying since...
    What an amazing movie!! Completely beyond anything I had expected...I really enjoyed it and I didn't want it to really IS a tribute to the rest of the saga... I loved, loved, loved the made me really nostalgic and emotional and it felt like the beginning with Bella and Edward lying in their meadow, where everything began... :) :(
    I just can't get it out of my mind...It will hold a special place in my heart FOREVER...
    thank you all for this amazing journey...ROB,KRISTEN,TAYLOR and the rest of the cast and crew you are amazing...THANK YOU!!!! :)
    And never forget...

  119. is there a bath scene with bella and edward

  120. Just watched Breaking Dawn part 2! AGAIN! (coz i watched it after dowloading it from the web. coz where i live there's no cinema showing it) Anyways! I thought i would be totally speechless after watching it but NO! i have tons to say.....but to be honest i don't know where to start from....

    The starting credits just took by breath away, i had all my emotions going in my head at that moment, which i had through this whole journey!
    Then when Bella wakes up and sees Edward, and they kiss.....OH MY GO0SH <3
    Meeting Renesmee for the first time was also fun!But the CGI was so prominent and it looked kinda artificial....but u know wat, Never mind! It was really cute though!
    ANDDDDD When Bella and Edward go to their cottage and "the Bedroom scene" OMG....i have to admit that i cried on that scene, coz literally i have not seen anything that sexy before :D
    And then all o0f The Daddyward scenes.........:p Rob/edward is so cuteee! i mean holding the baby Renesmee, Makenzie running up to Edward.....they were just beyond Amazing.......From the beginning i had the hope that Bill will not dissapoint Daddyward fans (i made that up myself ;p)
    And who can forget the paino scene......
    Ok I'm gonna hurry this up now.....or i'll go on for ever.....
    "The Battle scene"
    My mouth was touching the ground the entire time. I didn't knew i love Jaspher and Carlisle until i saw their heads being ripped apart.....I cried on that one as well!
    And Edward falling down and then coming up and killing the volturi guy:DDDD And i was like "That's my hero"
    But the BESTEST part was when it turned out that IT ALL WAS A VISION!I mean i fuckin couldn't beleive my eyes at that moment!! WHAT A SHOCKERRRRR!!! AWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHH
    And wh0o can forget the end! It's the Best End any movie can EVER have! Although i'm sad that it's the end but when the poison who's killin u as that sweet, then who can not have that :D
    At this point i might have watched the movie like 4 times and i SWEAR i always cry BULLETS at the ending scene!
    I cried for an hour in my bathroom and for another hour on my bed :')
    I don't remember myself crying that much after any other FUCKING movie!

    But All i need to say right now is that.....Thankyou Twilight!

    1. please give me thw link to the site where u watched the movie at home. please!!!!!! i need to watch it. i wont have money to go to the theatre until dec 2nd. please help me. send me the link here or at my email address at

  121. Greatest and Worst ending ever..when Aro held Carlisle head i was like wtf no this b-word didn't change the ending..and then Seth died i immediately started cryibg and getting angry tryiing not to curse in front of my little sister..and then Jasper and seth's sister. i was soooo happy when it was just a vision that would have ruined the rest of my year!!!!

  122. Loved Loved Loved Bella as a mom. Kristen really did play it so believably well..Kudos to her!! and the little nuances (the subtle movements in the way she turned her head, walked, carried herself) as a vampire, I loved very much. I wish i hadnt been looking at all the clips that summit had released prior to the movie, because i felt like i had already watched almost all of the special bella/edward moments. There should have been a bath scene though..just saying!!
    And unexpectedly, i loved Garrett. One of my favorite lines in this movie is slowly becoming, "the red coats are coming, the red coats are coming". LOVED IT!!

  123. Go vote for kristen at the people's choice award!!!! you can vote as much time you want to show the world she still have fans and she deserve it because she is a geat actress!!!! i don't even understand why rob was not nominated?!


  125. It's just so Damn GOOD! I cried and gasped and smiled and LAUGHED! Alot!
    The scene in which Edward is motivating Bella is just so Funny! It really is a fun scene between Edward and Emmmet!
    But the Queen of the night was when Aro said "i see no danger" coz he was just too scared to attack! ;)
    And I must say that i cried BULLETS at the ending scene!I don't remember myself crying that much after anyother movie !

  126. I'm sad that we'll not get any more Twilight movies or twilight related events! But i'm happy that it has completed!
    And that's how i'm gonna see it from now on!


  128. when the movie start i get emotional only to hear the music of the first ,the scene of edward and bella in the bed oh my !edward like a dad with nessy and bella like mom and and when bella shows edward her memories oh my i cry like a baby become too emotional and then on the screen appear the letters twilight'oh my i can write all the night and day to show my love .thanks to all the people that make this happen all and each one of them for bringing twilight to our life's for live this dream and the adventure of my life ;twilight i never gonna let you never,always in my heart...yes this movie was epic! emotional all in the packet !

  129. sweet ,tender all about the family edward as a father and bella as a mom oh my !all the movie i just love all the movie ,and how makes me suffer the battle oh yes!what battle? ..the last moment when bella shows to edward his memories oh i cry all the movies in that moment !but is not the end cause is :f o r e v e r!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  130. here is the thought that was in my mind the moment i was leaving the theater: even if nothing else had happened in my life, watching Saga movies would have been a reason good enough to live. i know it sounds pathetic but it is true:..>)

    1. no is not pathetic,the twilight saga is for me the adventure of my life and if one day i feel bad, watching the saga or hear the music change the way i fell is my pill of joy!

  131. I have seen the movie 3 times, I still think the beginning is too slow, I like the book better as to when she wakes and is more afraid at first of seeing Rob then jumps in his arms..the fight scene was a total shocker that left me with my mouth hanging open...wish charlie had more time in the movie and what about Bellas mom? Would I see it again? heck yes, I have seen all the movies so many times I cannot count...was it my favorite one? no...twilight and Breaking Dawn 1 are my favs.

  132. Omg I died when Carlisle's head came off and I like criend the whole time and then I saw it was a vision and i was like WTF !! It was really funny though when Jacob asked Edward if he should start calling him dad. And I also thought it was funny when Jacob took of his clothes in front of Charlie.

  133. I also liked when Garret said the redcoats are coming lol i died

  134. and is it only me or does renesme look animated part of the movie

    1. yes the same looks weird in some scenes .

  135. Short Post:
    Emotional, When CCarlise and edwards little family momtent the tears startes then never stoped till the end.

  136. what a great movie! i love that when the fact carlisle not dead. hahaha this movie just so unforgettable. and look kristen as vampire. one of the funny scene is, when the camera shoots Aro's face when he saw his future, he'll be dead. looks ridiculous seriously!

  137. I know I am on the minority side and after thinking for some while whether to post my impressions about the movie or not, here's my thoughts:

    First, like some others have said here I feel I was so much spoiled by all the clips released in advance. By the time I saw the movie I knew all these by heart (they were inserated in each promo interview and I watched all of them), so as a huge Kristen/Rob fan there were not so many scenes of them together left to enjoy for the first time in the theatre.

    Second, after reading all the fans praises of the movie I was expecting to be hit by a row of emotions, but it wasn't completly like that. Dont get me wrong, there are many moments I loved and which got to me, but none reminded me of the boundless emotions I had during the wedding or when Bella and Edward made love for the first time, or when Edward thought he lost Bella. They're just my personal feelings on this one...I liked BD1 more. I was expeting at least a tear, but it didn't happen and to be honest the most emotional I got was during the opening credits (ok, there were some scenes in the movie too). :)

    The things I did LOVE about the movie (in random order):
    -The sweet and discreet touching/looks between Bella and Edward during the whole movie
    -Edward rolling his eyes and being so funny in the Bella punching Jacob scene
    -Bella and Edward laying naked on the floor (I wish I could stop that frame on the big screen :) )
    -Edward and Carlisle moment
    -Bella looking at Edward and Renesmee after coming back from the J. Jenks meeting
    - Vampire Bella looking awesome and enjoying her new skills
    - Kristen and Rob playing their mother/father roles (with Mackenzie in particular)
    - Bella and Edward kissing in the meadow ( I could watch them for hours and not get bored)
    - Vampire Garrett - the coolest new vampire by far!
    - The shock of seing Carlisle's head ripped off and the fight in general

    What I didn't like about the movie:
    -The scenes in the first half of the movie felt a bit rushed...
    -By far the worst thing about the movie was Chucky Renesmee which was freaky if you ask me. :) It kind of ruined for me all the moments Bella and Edward had with baby Renesmee, as I could't stop looking at the funny face of the baby...:) Luckily things got way better when Mackenzie stepped in!
    - No scene of Edward teaching Bella to fight (loved that in the book)- looks like we will have it on the DVD though :)
    -Bella's shield seemed to have no importance duing the fight scene. Alice was kind of the only hero of the scene.
    - Edward was not paying any attention to Bella during the fight when she got attacked, which seemed strange to me.
    - I remember when I saw the flash back at the end of BD 1 thinking if they are using this here what was left to do for the BD2 final scene? I guess I was right cause there isn't something much different you can do with such a scene. It was beautiful because it is suggested they shared the look back together now, but I guess I expected to be somehow different and maybe a bit longer...and it wasn't.

    This was me picking on every little detail of this movie. :)

    Overall I did enjoyed BD2 and all the Twilight journey over the years, as this is what brought together Kristen and Rob which I adore! There are things I loved and thinks I didn't love about each of the 5 movies, but I do think Kristen and Rob did a wonderful job in bringing to live this love story!
    I for one love the most Twilight and BD1.

  138. i loved it so much i cried alot....i will always love twilight forever

  139. I saw a week and half ago but forgot to post. oops! I loved it. I truly enjoyed it from the beginning to end.

  140. Thank you so much, Stephenie, Bill, Melissa, Wyck, Kristen, Rob, Taylor and all the cast and crew of Breaking Dawn Part2 for the unforgettable way you completed the Twilight Saga for us, the Fans. I wouldn't have changed a thing in this movie; as it tied evrything up in a big red bow. Having to be out of town on November 15, I saw the movie for the first time in a theater unknown to me. Everyone laughed together, sighed together, cried together, passed kleenex to each other, hugged each other, and gave high fives. None of the important parts of Part Three of BD were left out, and the required translations from novel to film were brilliant. I had envisioned the way Bella would see the specks of dust when she awoke after transformation was complete, and you brought it to life exactly as I envisioned. Of course the chemistry between Rob and Kristen made the connection between Edward & Bella even more compelling, Jacob was finally as funny as he was in Part Two of BD, The visiting vampires were all so interesting, the first night in the cabin lovemaking scene was perfect- (we don't need graphic) the hands, eyelashes, facial expressions, gentle touches, dialogue, Edward kissing her neck for the first time, ripping the clothes- it couldn't have been better. I did not mind the CGI baby at all, in fact thought she was adorable. MacKenzie was great- you could't have found a more perfect match to play E&B's daughter. One of my favorite parts was when Bella went after the hiker, scaling the cliff, and then jumped to keep from giving in to her thirst, and also when she grabbed Jacob by the scruff of the neck and threw him into the yard. She was just the perfectdivision of calm, protective tiger mama, and raging at the edge of sanity as you would expect of a newborn. We all cried when Edward thanked Carlisle for this extraordinary life. Even though I was shocked ad surprised at the "battle scene", as soon as it started I knew where you were going- to Alice's vision. It was so sweet to have Alice visualize Jacob & Renesmee's future (even though she tecnically could not have seen the wolves or Renesmee in the story) that was another teary moment. The meadow scene for Bella to finally show Edward her mind was perfect. Having the pages of the novel flip through was wonderful I am crying as I write this, so I will just go back to the theater and see this wonderful movie for the 6th time, and get my pre-order ready for the BlueRay/DVD. Carter Burwell's Score was just perfect, I have played it over and over, and I liked the Soundtrack also, though not as much as Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, Part1. Thank you all again.

  141. Penso che non ci siamo parole per descrivere questa opera cinematorgrafica.. Innanzitutto complimentoni a tutti gli attori, in particolare: Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart (ovvio!), Mackenzie Foy (incredibile!), Taylor Lautner, Ashley Grenee e Nikki Red. Davvero brevissimi! Trovo davvero originale il fatto che lo sfondo dei titoli iniziali fosse prima rosso e poi bianco, come ad indicare la lenta trasformazione di Bella. Ovviamente lei è bellissima da neo vampira (non che prima fosse brutta ovvio, ma l'essere più potente le dà una marcia in più). Come hanno già detto in "TI AMO" di Bella verso Edwars e il suo di rimando... quella sì che è una dischiarazione d'amore!! <3 (si vede che sono realmente innamorati!). Nella scena della caccia è molto suggestivo il fatto che ella veda ogni singolo particolare, nella scena d'amore trovo che potessero lasciare un po' più libertà agli attori (lo ha detto Kristen Stewart stessa)ma va benissimo anche così. Molto belli gli sprazzi di ironia qua e là (Rob è fantastico come sempre; stupenda la scena dove Bella rimprovera Jacob dopo che ha scoperto dell'imprinting), gli sguardi intensi che si scambiano i protagonisti ogni volta che parlano tra loro o con Renesmee. Stupenda la scena finale con un riassunto veloce degli altri film e sempre l'ironia e... ta daaa!!! La battaglia mi stava facendo morire letteralmente. Anche io bestemmiavo dentro di me contro il regista che non poteva farmi questo e contro i poveri attori che interpretavano i cattivi. Poi... il mondo mi è crollato addosso quando ho visto la testa di Carlaile in mano ad Aro (tipo lo volevo uccidere!!) o quella di Edward e Jasper (nooo loro nooo!!). Poi ho ripreso fiato quando ho capito che era tutta la visione di Alice... (non poteva finire così). Vi giuro mi stavo mettendo a piangere alla fine, ma non tanto per il film.. ma perchè è l'ultimo!! Certo non ci poteva essere finale migliore (anche se Renesmee da piccola fa un po' pena) però noooo. Non posso pensare che non ci saranno mai più al cinema i 2 innamorati + belli del mondo!! :'(
    PS: ammazzerò tutti quelli che, come un mio amico, dicono che Twilight è un film porno!!! Ma che c***o sparate tutti?! Ancora di più quelli che dicono che fa schifo senza nemmeno averlo guardato. Non ho parole comunque.. BELLISSIMO;STUPENDO;UNICO;IRRIPETIBILE;FANTASTICO;INDIMENTICABILE;EPICO!!!
    E ricordate che : "I vampiri non dormono però ..." "Non serve per dormire..!" Un bacio a tutti i fan di Twilight e ai miei idoli (Robsten) SWACK!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

  142. I really like Kristen as an actress, but I can't shake this odd feeling I get every time I see her as Bella. Perhaps it's because the Bella I got from the books was a snarky, sarcastic and awkward (in-a-cute-sort of way) little thing and Kristen embodies this carachteristics but in a different way (she's so beautiful when she smiles, yet in the movie, I thought she kept smelling something rotten the way she scrunched up her nose all the time); and though I think Kristen was an excellent Vampire Bella (particularly when she's spitting mad at Jacob), I felt disappointed, yet again. I wish I saw her like you do, because feeling disappointment from a major carachter of a Saga I enjoyed so much kinda ruins the movies for me.

  143. Love...all of the movies. So thankful to Steph for this story. So sad it's over, all of it was amazing but as a reader of the books, my one and only complaint is that I wish that they had made the last movie at least a three hour one...there was so much that they cut down and out of the story...this is by far my favorite story ever!

  144. It was the best of the best. The shocker was just that shocking and so emotional. Favorite part the ending with Bella and Edwards expressions of love for each other. The only way it could end.

  145. la scosa de la vida cierto ? cuando el fenomeno de twilight somenzabe yo caia en una depresion adoraba todo este y lo deje ya recuperandome un poco de mi en 2011 un dia cualquiera mi hija me dijo pasaran hoy twilight la quieres ver? hum ok desde ese dia hasta hoy no lo dejo por nada me atrevo a decir que fue un empuje como terapia para la depresion de verdad me salvo , mi hija es parcticante de dibujos comics una grande en vedad , en noviembre le dije vamos a ver el estreno ya se que no es lo tuyo pero solo por ir vamos ? y fuimos y se enamorio de stefan y bladimir y ahora donde encuentre algo de ellos es para ella ,no puedo regresar el tiempo que paso pero ya no hay tiempo para arrepentimientos , he vivido bien pero lo mas hermoso y emocionante que he vivido despues de esa depresion ha sido twilight , y si adoramos la pelicula toditita
    mi hija ahora adora la una y la quinta son sus preferidas pero donde aparecen por tv el mundo se detiene y la mama de 36 y la hija de 14 lo preparan todo para verlas

  146. So did i!!!(in my head)!!!!!!!

  147. it is the best film ever!!!! I'm so sad that it should be over !! and I love robsten!!! They are amazing!!!


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