HQ Scans of Kristen in THR's Beauty Issue

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"I'm blessed to have people around me that I don't feel are only professional. I've never met anybody as absolutely warm and open as Adir." - Kristen Stewart on her hair stylist Adir Abergel.

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2 Responses to HQ Scans of Kristen in THR's Beauty Issue

  1. Love these photos. Her confidence and comfort with Adir is oozing out of the images. She looks particularly gorgeous in the pic of her leaning against him. Wish there were more pics like these!

  2. Amazing! I absoluty love these photos! Wish there were more photoshoots this year for BD2 promo. I missed her magazine spreads. But, this is a good suprise. I know she is in vogues best dressed so maybe there's a spread in that? Fingers crossed.


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