New Portraits of Rob, Kristen, Taylor and Bill Condon

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7 Responses to New Portraits of Rob, Kristen, Taylor and Bill Condon

  1. I like how rob and Kristen are always next to each other! Love it!

  2. On the second picture, I just can't get over Rob's smirky smile. Rob where is your other hand? It's not doing something naughty on Kristen's back, right?

  3. He's definitely up to something in that photo. He has the "cat who ate the canary" grin! lol

  4. GAH!! Kriten is so beautiful and alluring.

  5. I love Kristen's look on the top picture; "Hey ladies stay away, Rob is mine" and she has her hand on his waist. That is so adorable and they look wonderful together on these pictures.

  6. Haha! It does look like Rob is up to something in the one picture...although maybe it's just my mind reminding me how perfect he is for Christian Grey ;)

  7. hey rob where is you hand ? in the second pic no no don't tell us we know!


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