New Rob, Kristen and Taylor Interview with ET from BD2 LA Press Junket

More from the interview shown on air on Nov 2nd

More from the interview what was shown on air


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8 Responses to New Rob, Kristen and Taylor Interview with ET from BD2 LA Press Junket

  1. So HAPPY to see them being interviewed together! (Taylor too!)Rob and Kristen look a little worse for wear (too much Halloween party last night? lol) The promo begins! Love them!

  2. I am too very excited and happy to see them together in an interview! It's like being home again after a long time, such a confortable feeling! Kristen seems to me a bit more nervous than usual! Cant wait to see the rest!

  3. this havent star good.... i hope promo gets better because this looks really bad ,no robsten bubble moments :((

    1. well you cant expect that after the tumultuous summer they had. I prefer not knowing and better keep those 'bubble moments' private.

    2. I agree with you anon 9:35pm the "bubble moments" are not for entertainment, they are theirs and its better they are private as they should be :)

  4. There were plenty of bubble moments you guys have to watch the vids again. Kristen seemed nervous cause she kept bitting her finger nails and shaking around as usual but did you see when she got up during the clip of their first interview, she touched Rob's knee twice; and Rob kept his left hand in his pocket so he could control the urge to touch her. And when they talked about the first kiss, questions about HGB, and Krisbian, Kristen quickly puts her head down and Rob answered. Kristen explained the HGB and shy away from the krisbian because last time she said yeah someone's very upset about that and when Josh asked who, she said my brother and laughed histerically into her lap.
    They tried not to finish eachothers answers during the Halloween question but Rob said Kristen had brittled bones there was a look there so many.

    1. sorry to burst your bubble but rob was trying to hide his e-cig thats why his hand was on his pocket. but yea, aside from the fact shes more quiet than previous interviews, she was in her usual nervous-awkward-self.

  5. I don't know, I think the fun of it all has gone a bit cause things got so serious privately!! I mean the Krisbians, robstens, nonstens are still going at it and poor rob when he said that it was a full circule with his fans!! They started of hating him, then loved him to death and now he is back to square one which of course I don't think is true but it's sad that he even said that!!! People are judging him for going back to his own girlfriend, I mean what is that! There is so much crap out there and when I read tweets and when people call it pr or whatever I just want to scream! It's really hard to enjoy it the way I use to!! I think I should just Stop reading full stop!! I just what them to be left alone and for all of the twilight fans to enjoy this in peace!! I


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