4 NEW R/K Fan Vids

Video from FistfulLove

'Kiss Me'
Video from aniolekffc
Video from  Al Swan
'Everybody Hurts'
Video from musiclover86931

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5 Responses to 4 NEW R/K Fan Vids

  1. Hi "Robsten Dreamers"...thanks for posting all these great Robsten pics and videos!!! Wake up in the morning and seeing Robsten makes my start in the day perfect! I miss them sooo much! Thinking on all the wonderful premieres from last November <3

  2. WOW!!

    Great way to start the day, thanks for all the Robsten videos and pics, love them all:)

  3. the number 3 lol it looks like rob and kristen are dancing in canness .. and listen the music of the 2 oh !make you fall in love i mean you fell the love of r&k right and the video that ask robsten 2013? no no the real love have no expired ..

  4. all the videos show his love and ..us versus them ..yes we the robsten dreamers too!rob and kristen we follow and support you always even in the distance we keep you in our heart!!

  5. Kristen longs for him, when they are separated, I guess so, that's what I think.


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