Robsten Pic of the Day

When they don't even have to act.

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14 Responses to Robsten Pic of the Day

  1. The look of love (:

  2. Definately. Please don't change the two of you, and Rob don't get caught up with all the celebrity trappings. Rob be yourself with your same old friends and family values and continue to look after Kristen because the girl is special and deserves it.

  3. I'd like to add that Rob is just as special and deserves nothing but the best. No one would have put up with the crap that he has had to endure.

    1. NO ONE........ except a man with grace, true character, incredible patience, a whole lotta faith, & a deep, abiding love for his girl. Rob is a one-in-a-million!

  4. Amen! Rob you should only have the best. You deserve the best . You are the best ever. I love you.

  5. He already has the best... and the best has a name... Kristen

  6. is it me or is it some comments here are shady?

  7. Every now and then I stop and am in awe that my favorite books of all time not only gave us such beautiful wonderful characters in Edward and Bella but also gave us Robsten. I find this amazing that we've all been given such a gift with the fact that not only did Edward and Bella fall in love but so did Rob and Kristen. The pic above proves that at times they don't even have to act to be E/B because they are R/K. One of the biggest examples, at least for me, when Kristen totally stepped out of being Bella was the morning after the honeymoon night when she says, " was the best..." that was so Kristen talking and not Bella. Her voice totally changed and she totally warped out of character.

  8. Renae, I so agree. I have said that when you see them on screen as Edward and Bella, you see Rob and Kristen as well. I also think in that scene when he said "Is that what you're worried about...that I didn't enjoy myself?" That sounded like Rob. He totally changed as well. They are just so in love. I think for them it has been such a great thing that they want to keep it to themselves as much as possible so they can enjoy each other as Rob and Kristen, not as Rob/Edward and Kristen/Bella like they have had to do for 5 years. I respect that. Still, they quietly give the fans all the clues we need to say, "Yes we are together. Yes we love each other. Yes we hate the papz." Didn't really need to throw in last one as they have always said that. Still, I have nothing but respect for these two. I am so grateful they have each other. If you have someone who feels about things the way you do it makes going through the bad stuff a lot easier to do. I hope they are together until they are 100. Would serve everyone right who thinks they are not real. Keep smiling Kristen!

    1. Totally agree with Sherry they are made for each other


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