Robsten Vid of the Day~'I've Waited All My Life to Cross This Line' from @newgirlblues

Now they can spend a lifetime together.
Video from diandravideos

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10 Responses to Robsten Vid of the Day~'I've Waited All My Life to Cross This Line' from @newgirlblues

  1. awwwww all those memmories...... miss them much :)

  2. Thanks to RD for all the videoes, i'm loving them all:)

  3. OMG..This just melts my heart...Love the song! Love Rob and Kristen! Love their sweet moments together. It's clearly love...Love that they're sweet, unguarded and carefree when they were young. Now you can tell that they've grown up and matured but they're still sweet to each other.

  4. Naughty Rob haha... What about the boyfriend " those were days I still remember so cute they always make me smile (: sneaky little buggers these two haha... LOVE THEM TOO MUCH !!

  5. kristen always talking about control.. yes but with rob all the emotions comes out of control i wonder did she ever notice cause we did it aaaaaall that loong time!.. you can't hide for love ! just the real love!!!!!!!

  6. It's always been sooo obvious to us, I wonder when it became that to them, for Rob I think frome day one!! They are sooo beautiful together!!!!!

  7. Awwww... Miss kristen ! ); where's my BB !

  8. awwww i not tired to see all to see all this videos oh love! come in many ways but there is one and only when you meet the right !!!!!! right kristen!

  9. Amo este video, me encanta la forma en que Rob le toma la mano a Kristen y esas miradas intensas que se regalan. En esos pequeños detalles se muestra el amor que sienten el uno por el otro


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