Gerald Nicosia Talks About Kristen

I came to like Garrett, Kristen, and Sam Riley immensely, and to feel as if they had as good a chance as anyone to portray the intense and driven threesome of Cassady, Lu Anne, and Kerouac. To know them was to learn that they all had great gifts as well as great insecurities to match up with the people they were playing. Sam had been a small-time rock-'n'-roll musician who got drafted into being a movie star--he actually had some trepidation about what it was going to be like to be famous like Kristen, for whom we always had to enter the hotel through the secret underground entrance to keep from being mobbed by her fans.


And Kristen--though again, physically quite different from her character, who in real life was large and blonde--had a lot of Lu Anne/"Marylou" inside her. She kept her high intelligence well-concealed beneath her sexuality and good manners; she cared enormously about people, both the ones she knew personally and those whose urgent need seemed to demand that she reach out to them; and, perhaps most like Lu Anne/"Marylou," she had learned to be utterly self-reliant even in her teens, prizing independence above men, money, power, or any of the other lures that Hollywood actresses are known to covet.


I connected him with Anne Marie Santos, Lu Anne's daughter, who came to Montreal and shared memories, photos, and a great deal else with all of them, but especially of course with Kristen, who has many times acknowledged how much she benefitted not only from Annie's help as consultant, but from her spiritual guidance and encouragement as well. In fact, everything seemed on track for a great movie to be made.
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18 Responses to Gerald Nicosia Talks About Kristen

  1. What a great reference to Kristen. If only the rest of the world could see her in that light and stop the hate. That day I am sure will be here again soon.

  2. Very nice read. Love me some KStew!!!

  3. So true,shes ruled only by herself and that comes across.Shes not a typical girl/woman.Shes a strong thinking individual,but she is also an incredibly vulnerable girl.

  4. Everything I already knew about her. See, we are not blind followers. We love her for all the right reasons. And how can you not love her? It is nice it hear it repeated from people within the industry.....time and time again. My mother use to say it is not what is said to and of you, it is the who that matters. Who is saying it. When crazy hateful cowards say crap about her, it comes in one ear and goes out the next. The people that matters, and they do show their faces, we know who they are, we know their status in the business, they know.....When they say stuff about her, it is always good. I rest my case. Hi Robsten family!

    1. I like your mother's words of wisdom. Thanks for sharing! I hope Kristen reads these messages from time to time--if only to feel the love and the positive energy we send her way every day. ~ EM

    2. I too likes your mother's wisdom thank you for sharing , (: we are together and proud of all kristen fans and of cos Robert who love her dearly .

  5. Kristen is a person with compassion who cares about people. That's why I became her fan.

  6. Almost all the people who worked with Kristen say highly about her. They just love her. I hope those people who don't know her stop wrote trash about her.

    1. Totally with you anon ; 12.51pm thk god she is not alone we fans must be strong for her thks Robsten dream

  7. Wow-Can't wait to see this movie. I have to see on DVD-not shown in GA-(USA)-theaters.

  8. I have not seen OTR yet , have to wait for DVD is not shown in my county ); bumber .... ! Kristen miss you hopeing for new soon

  9. Kristen is only understood by paps and rags who are selling their souls for the almighty dollar. I have never heard any negative statements from people who have worked with her or her friends and family. Kristen deserves accolades for the SH*T she has had to put up with these past five years.

  10. This man knows the real Kristen. One of the most amazing things about Kristen is that she is so fiercely independent but yet she has this soft side to her as well. I've had the pleasure to sit down and talk to her for a little bit and this man is correct, she cares immensely about what you have to say and about the people around her. The jitteriness that Kristen sometimes displays when she is doing press is her way of dealing with the emotions that she feels towards things. I wish that everyone could meet her and spend some time with her. She is truly an original. No wonder Rob loves her so much. I've seen On the Road as well and it is a very organic type of movie much like the ones she does a lot of however, this one is so unique it has its own rhythm to it. I was also an extra in the movie so that makes it even more special to me.

    1. Thank you for sharing your "up close" meetings and observations of Kristen. These reinforce how I have always felt about her both as an actor and human being. I am so proud to be her fan. I pray that she never loses these amazing qualities and continues to grow and be blessed with love, peace, happiness and good fortune.

    2. good for you. i wish i could meet her one day.

  11. very nice read. I feel I miss her even more..

  12. Yes, isn't it nice to here from someone being so positive about Kristen. People who have met her or know her give lots of positive praise and feedback. We should no judge her, particularly if we do not know her personally, but just let her get on with her life as best as she can. Go Kristen, you and Rob be happy together and enjoy yourselves.

  13. She is great! Everyone knows it, but some don't want to admit it!


Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate <3

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