Kristen Pic of the Day

Never the typical Hollywood mold. She brings her personality to the carpet with silly faces.

2010 MTV Music Awards

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20 Responses to Kristen Pic of the Day

  1. How is Kristen? Where? :(

  2. Miss her too ); M..I..A.. Hmmm..

  3. Yes I do worry about her. I hope she is happy in her life and although I am glad she is getting some 'Privacy' as Jodie Foster has recently mentioned, I hope this privacy is not totally due to changes in her love life. It would be such a pity if both Rob and Kristen parted. They are a very special couple. She speaks her mind and is so down to earth that she gets punished many times for this. She had great insight in seeing how special an actor Rob was and I think she was partly instrumental in his getting work and being as sucessful as he is now. I commend her for standing up for what she thought was the right thing to do and say at the time.

  4. Just a young woman,but just think how the whole media revolves around her.Anything with her name attracts attention.I think its commendable how she handles herself despite all the mayhem surrouding her.

  5. I dont understand why so many pple are against her even she managed to be undisputed person...her only fault is tht she prefers privacy n simplicity in her personal life ... i think pple will b happy wen everyday she is in the news wich is created by her own..then they will be satisfied...:-Q

  6. lol i really love this face looks like a.. dude!

  7. we get used to see so much about kristen and she was so busy but she need her own space and time so i think yes is so fine and relax like any one she is in calm but she gone to appear soon so take it slowly she is fine!!!!!!!!!

    1. anno 5:02 l miss her like mad where is kristen ?
      hope robert and kristen are still togehter ??

  8. i remember last year when most people were like 'wheres rob? wheres rob? i miss him OMG' guess its kristen's turn now. though i miss her terribly, im glad shes having her downtime. hope she is happy with her life regardless

    1. Totally with you anon: 6.18am (: so...... Miss her , yes is her downtime is all good

  9. It is kind of depressing reading some of these comments. First of all, Kristen is not missing in action. She is not hiding or locked up in her house. If you want to know about Rob and Kristen, go back and listen to their interviews, its all there. She said she has gotten good at getting away from the paps and that she can go out in public without being notice, most of the time. The paps get lucky every now and then. Also, she said she was done putting up walls because although the world can't see her, she cannot see the world. She was tearing down those walls. Second, the only people feeling sorry for Kristen are those who are still stuck in July. Kristen and Rob have moved on and for the better. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And third, people whining about, "I hope they are still together", are looking to their own insecurities. The company "Skype" (if you don't know what that is then Google it) came out this week on twitter to say Rob and Kristen Skype when Rob is abroad to keep their relationship alive. The word they used was significant other. I love that they are living their lives. It is good to know they Skype. It is however sad that there is some serious doubt about their relationship status among their fans.

    1. I didn't see your comment, Anonymous, BRAVO!!! WELL SAID!! (the only comments showing up all day on my end were before yours--from yours down just showed up!) I'm not sure why so many sense the worst...if you've thought R+K are such an adorable couple, have such magnetism & chemistry, & are meant for each other, AND if you believed in R+K's love 3 yrs ago or just last year, this past Fall, during the holidays, AND you are a true fan, then you should believe in them now. I didn't know that little tidbit about what "Skype" said--I knew I couldn't be the only one who uses it to keep in contact with loved ones who are far away (I use it frequently to bond with my kids who are away at college--what a great invention!!)

    2. well, Kristen is literally missing in action so i dont get whats so negative about it. But yes i agree that some fans who question their relationship are getting redundant and borderline annoying. this is what they get for reading gossip too much. I say everyone chill out, like Kristen probably doing right about now.

      btw, i read that skype thing in twitter too and im not sure if im happy or sad divulging that kind of info i mean its private right?! but thats just my opinion, i know no shit.

    3. Bless your comment. Either they are children with internet access or adults with their insecurity and ignorance off the charts.

    4. Anon 10:09. No she is not missing in action. She is living her life which includes getting some fresh air and going about the business of life like the rest of us. With the exception of BD promo,every picture of her has been of the invasive, rude, and disrespectful paps and sometimes a fan. Take Rob for instance, he was in Australia having fun and going out until the paps made it their business to snap him every chance they got. When was the last time you saw Rob? They are not missing in action, they just know how to play the game of hide and seek better then most. Not missing in action by a long shot. Let's just say, "it is a no pay day for the paps".

    5. ok anon 7:29 whatever you say. all im saying that you make it sound 'missing in action' like its a bad thing, like theyre dissing Kristen or something-- no one actually said the term until you brought it up so i dont know what are we arguing about:p guess we just have to agree to disagree but lets not argue on this one, shall we?!;-)

      and oh, i dont look at Rob news tbh.

  10. Cute...silly faces❤


  11. The only thing I want is Kristen to be healthy, safe, satisfied and happy!

  12. Although I miss seeing new pics and hearing about what's new in their personal & professional lives, I think it's important to remember that when there is no news about Rob and Kristen, NOT to think the worst...they are just living their lives. (Kristen said recently about having her life under a microscope, with judgment, that she's just gonna live her life and everyone else should do the same!) I'm glad that they have times when they can just live quietly, like non famous people. No news, is good news...the past dictates the future...I'm sure they are stronger & better than ever!!!
    (Wishing them a 'long & happy life'!!) <3

  13. Skype has violated their privacy. Sad and disgusting if that bit of news is true. No wonder I don't Skype or Twitter. I value my privacy too much.


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