Kristen Pic of the Day

The cuteness is too much. Whenever anyone doubts her acting skills I recommend this movie. So good!!
'Welcome to the Rileys' 2010

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21 Responses to Kristen Pic of the Day

  1. when i saw this movie was like a shaking and is very special cause give to kristen's work other color more deep .. to other level..

  2. I loved this movie, she was so good in it.

    1. I think the level of acting and the story itself should have been considered for awards. Such a shame it was not picked up by more theatres. Kristen you were really exceptional in this film, well done.

    2. Anon 6:56, I could not agree with you more!! Kristen's acting was absolutely phenomenal in this movie! I was totally blown away watching her!

  3. I loved the movie very, very much. I miss her.

  4. I Bought her WTTR DVD (: is a good movie kristen indie movie is hard to find in my country and expensive I'm waiting for her OTR movie

    1. Anon 1:50. Sorry to hear that. If you like I can send you a few you haven't seen. WTTR was a good film but loved her in The Cake Eatters. She played a teenager with a neurological illness. She was flawless. Her first film, The safety of Objects, was pure and raw. It was as though she was unaware of all the things actors worry about as adults; the critics, will they like it and so on. I believed she was that kid. She even got to sing in it. I am a grown up but I cried watching Speak. That was bloody awesome. Again, she nailed it. And one last thing, the critics and haters have something stupid to say about her acting. Now isn't that funny. I saw twilight a year after it came out. I thought it was good but some things I didn't get. My daughter who was 13 at the time had been begging me to read the books for about 2 years, so finally I did. I read all books in a week because I could not put it down and I could Not sleep. I went back and watched the first film and it was a different experience. I got why Edward walked the way he did, I got Bella's mannerism. Rob and Kristen nailed those characters to the point where it is hard to separate the actors from the characters. The critics forget that every impulse, every action, and behavior is coming from a 16 and 17 year old point of view. Or they have forgotten what it was like falling in love for the first time as teenager. They can take their criticism and shove it. Millions of people, young and old from every continent, they all say "thank you Rob and Kristen. Well done. Bravo!

    2. Thank you so much for your reply Anon ; 8.00am , I live to far I am the other side of the world Asia but thanks for the offer to send me kristen DVD ( : you are so kind I have bought all the twilight saga waiting for BD2 and her Messengers movie is so good I bought that too and the Runaways but all the rest I can't find it as for The Cake Eater I saw it in iTunes is so good she is a very good actress ( sorry so long ) haha.. When it come to kristen sign.... So much hate these hater cannot be safe , they will face god oneday .

  5. Another movie I want to get-I have to get it on DVD.

  6. I miss her so much.I keep on voting her in the Virgin Media hottest actress.Now shes leading the number.

    1. Me too be voting everyday love her ( ; she's the hotties , hot hot , my favourite actress of all time . Wishing her happiness in love !

    2. yeah i miss her too!! and i keep voting her too!!

  7. This is one of many of my favourite kristen movie.I think she fantastic and nailed it.I miss her too.

  8. the movies of kristen got something that cheer me up when i fell sad maybe cause i admired his work she is the winner of my heart and cause she is a great person with a great angel..

  9. i love this movie so badly and kristen i miss you .. but i know you are fine !

    1. Yes great movie with some superb acting. Well done Kristen keep this quality of work up. You only need that special film to prove to everyone that you are Oscar quality. Such a pity you did not get considered for 'On the Road'. Well it is all the Oscar voters loss. It seems this is the year of Jen. Lawrence, but Kristen we know your time will come lovely.I know you are taking a well deserved rest and awaiting your man's return from Australia.

  10. I miss her too. But I'm upset to see gossip megs made up ugly stories non-stop about her for months. I hope she stays ninja until her next movie start shooting. She deserves privacy and a normal life.

  11. It looks like shes saying "robs boobies":)!!!

    1. lol lol , all we know is true ..

  12. I love WTTR and bought the dvd....good movie!!!



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