New Breaking Dawn: Part 2 Edward and Bella Still

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11 Responses to New Breaking Dawn: Part 2 Edward and Bella Still

  1. Isn't Kristen wearing her ring in addition to Bella's ring?

    1. Yep that's what I see too! :) and I absolutely love Robert with a wedding ring, it suits him!!

    2. Omg! Yes she is! what scene is that?! Can't remember.....

    3. I saw her ring right away.. and yes, a ring on Rob is GREAT! I have a feeling these 2 may get married next year! HOPE SO!

    4. I think that's the scene after Charlie has learned what he needed to know and Emmett wants to know who is the strongest ... "I'm not sure. Is she a newborn? She's so tamed." Sorry, I'm a Twilighter ;-) and I wish Kristen would fly to Australia...

    5. I love seeing Kristen's ring on Bella, and i adore Rob with a wedding ring on, so Hot:)


    6. I noticed the ring too, I guessed she forget to remove it, anyway it was not obvious in the film. It was just obvious in the Still...*_*

  2. I noticed in BD1 when she was practicing on the porch with the shoes, she had all Kristen's rings on, not Bella. I wonder if that was on purpose or accident.

    1. I remember hearing that the rings were an oversight but that Bill decided to leave it in anyway to show a little of Kristen in Bella--besides wearing her own rings, she also wore a leather jacket & skinny jeans (so NOT Bella) AND she put on her "signature" converse once she ditched the wedding heels! The scene also signified Alice's influence on a more stylish, mature Bella & the author's desire to show that Bella's character was growing & getting ready to change into who she was meant to be. Does anyone else remember it differently?

      BTW, I agree with all of you regarding the wedding rings--Rob is so smokin' HOT wearing a wedding ring AND I adore Kristen wearing the ring ROB gave her (it shows us how much that ring means to her that it becomes part of the movie scenes) in addition to the BD wedding ring.

      Happy Valentines Day to two b e a u t i f u l people, Rob + Kristen!!! <33

  3. I love her jumper! And the fact that Kristen's wearing her ring! These two are the cutest couple ever :')

  4. She's also wearing Robert's sweatshirt if I'm not mistaken. Robert has worn that shirt in one of the scenes.


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