New/Old Pictures and Video of Rob and Kristen at BAFTAs 2010

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5 Responses to New/Old Pictures and Video of Rob and Kristen at BAFTAs 2010

  1. I only watch Baftas because of kristen she was so shy and a little bit of tears when she give her speak so proud of her and rob was there to support her and they left together (: so sweet...

  2. I agree. Kristen was so in awe of everything and I am sure she did think she would definately not genuinely win.She deserved the accolade because she is a rare talent and with the right movie will show everyone what talent she has. Rob was there being is usually goofball self but thinking about and looking after his girl, Kristen.

  3. oh kristen with the great actors huge actors and rob behind the scenario ,rob looks so happy well baftas are just other world hum i really like it if they could appear this year..

  4. i think she was more excited sitting in front of kate winslet than the award! LOL kidding. i love the dress but i think is a bit big and unflattering to her.

  5. KS screencap is my new wallpaper and FB coverphoto:D


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