Kristen on Conan O Brien Show

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13 Responses to Kristen on Conan O Brien Show

  1. Is it just me or isn't she wearing Balenciaga anymore? When was the last time? All this shows and premieres and nothing from her contract partner?

    1. she wore balenciaga at otr la premiere...two weeka ago. i don't Balenciaga can over rule what Kristen wears.

    2. Taylor_is_a_sexy_BEASTNovember 15, 2012 at 1:50 AM

      It might be because Nicolas Ghesquière just left Balenciaga design house about at week ago. Its been a big deal in the fashion world.

  2. I like her dress.I think it suits her perfectly than the model I think?She look beautiful as always.

  3. I want to thank everyone at Robsten Dreams who does such a fantastic job daily on this site. I am so impressed by how quickly you have videos and pics of all the premieres posted. I have visited your site several times a day for a very long time. Thank you for believing in Robsten and hanging in there with then when many did not. This is my first time posting. Keep up the good work. Thanks again!!!!!

    1. I agree with you, it's the best blog I've ever known!! we love you guys :3

  4. I love Kristen but was so uncomfortable to watch.

  5. So, when she said she was just a circumstantial smoker and not addicted to nicotine, did she mean she didn't inhale when smoking? A friend of mine smoked like that so it was easy for her to quit because it was only the habit of not having something in her mouth that she had to get used to, not the actual withdrawal from nicotine. Either way, it's good that she is trying to be healthy. I once read Jen Aniston saying that her years of smoking has taken a toll on her face/skin.

  6. She never disappoints, beautiful, brilliant, unforgettable.

  7. i can tell she really likes Conan, her laughs are so genuine and infectious

  8. conan and rob's humor are very similar

  9. Omgosh, I thought this was so frickin hilarious!! I love her sarcastic humor! Too cute!


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