Kristen Interview with Instyle UK from BD2 London Press Junket

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4 Responses to Kristen Interview with Instyle UK from BD2 London Press Junket

  1. Is just me or is something missing??
    First of all, it was only a Rob interview, nothing with Kristen likethe title suggests. And also, was wondering where the protective part came in? It says under Rob's vid that he gets protective of Kristen. When, where?

    Sorry, just curious! :)

    1. I think the person that made the video meant to say Edward gets protective of Bella. And the Second video is Kristen's interview.

    2. Ok, thanks for clearing that up Alma! :)

      Hug, strange, can only see one vid. Matbe it's because I'm on my phone. I'll check again when I get home tonight.

      Thanks for all the updates today, it's really helpibg ti get theough the withdrawls ;)

    3. It's pretty obvious I'm on my phne, since pretty much everything had a really weird spelling. LOL


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