New Kristen Interview with Kate Spencer from VH1 from BD2 LA Press Junket

Watch in HD at the source

Source | DailyMotion Videos thanks to veronicaspuffy

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12 Responses to New Kristen Interview with Kate Spencer from VH1 from BD2 LA Press Junket

  1. Aww Kristen talking about her child Bear that she has with Rob!!! I love them!!! :D

    1. It's pretty funny, Kristen claims Bear to be HER dog and Rob talked about HIS dog Bear some time ago. And actually we know Bear is THEIR dog. It shows how guarded they are about answers in an interview, they don't want to give anything away. They trained themselves well in coping with the media ;)

  2. :( I can't watch this video - waiting (im)patiently for the YouTube version :)


  3. she didn't hesistate anymore about Bear being their baby. she kinda stop herself last time about Bear in one of her interview when she was promoting SWATH.

  4. Finally we get to know the name of her second dog - HER name is Be(a)rnie !?! Now I'm wondering if she is the blonde or the black dog we saw on the home pics.

  5. We finally get to know the name of her second dog - HER name is Be(a)rnie ?! (Sorry I'm german). Now I am wondering if she is the blonde or the black dog we saw in the pics.
    I think it's the blonde one considering that Bear was trying to shag (I hope this is an appropriate term) this dog - so it's probably a female.

  6. Ugh why can't we see these videos

  7. Bernie is the 'blonde' Shepard mix dog in the 'photos'...

  8. AWWW Bear and Bernie (spelling?. whatta cute name for dogs.
    wait, KS is now admitting shes a part owner of Bear?

  9. Love how she says Bear is her cute and very protective!!

  10. This link didn't work for me so I clicked on the veronicaspuffy link which took me to her twitter account. The link to the interview on there works just great.

    It opened my eyes to the amount of work she puts in so that all of us who have difficulty seeing these videos, actually have a chance to see them.

    Thank you veronicaspuffy!!! You do an awesome job!!


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