New Kristen interview with LA Times - She talks about Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and BD1

Kristen Stewart wishes she was better in "New Moon" and acknowledged that if she's being really honest, she "didn't love" "Eclipse." As the star of "The Twilight Saga" since its inception in 2008, Stewart has been at the forefront of the lucrative vampire franchise throughout its five movies.

Along the way, she's worked with four different directors, battled the ever-present media scrutiny and learned how to handle a fervent fan base that has very specific ideas on how Stephenie Meyer's beloved books should be translated onto the big screen.

When Stewart looks back on the movies, she has varying thoughts about each of them.

On "Twilight": "What I remember the most about the first one is sitting with Rob [Pattinson] in a room tearing our hair out over the script. We were getting notes from the studio incessantly. Every day. I now love everybody but then I was like ‘Don’t you dare say anything to me.’ It was such a fight. And it’s so much fun to fight. That’s my thing. It’s great."

On "New Moon": "It's always been my favorite. I think the depths that are described in that and going from the forest to the bedroom to Italy. Oh my God, that’s why you live. If I were to do that movie now.... I really, really, really, really wish I could go back and do that movie again. I would just be better. But I love it and I had a great experience with [director] Chris [Weitz]."

On "Eclipse": "I just didn't love it. At the time we were kind of pumping them out. The movies were really close together. It felt a little mechanical. That is the most painful, when you know it. When you are on a set and you know that you are dropping things. We were letting things just fall through our fingertips."

On "Breaking Dawn Part 1": "'Breaking Dawn' was the most exciting for me. You just rip through it. Plus, there was so much detachment on the last one that on this one I was raring to go. [I was] simply not going to let that happen again. There was no way."

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3 Responses to New Kristen interview with LA Times - She talks about Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and BD1

  1. I kinda agree with her about Eclipse. I also share the excitment she had for the first movie. The first one was a small independent movie. It had a magic that no big studio and producers tried to meddle with. The next ones were big blockbusters and they kind of lost the magic "Twilight" had because they started depending on so many things, and not just the story.

  2. I kind of agree about Eclipse, but only to a certain degree. I always thought the acting was not so convincing as in the Twilight and NM and Kristen's wig was really disturbing. But I think the most moving/romantic scenes in the whole series are in Eclipse - the first meadow scene, the intimate bed scene (You will always be my Bella!, with this wonderful Band of Horses song) and of course the leg hitch/proposal scene. For me personally these will always be my favourite ones.

  3. I agree...I think the first one is the sweetest and most honest of them all. I think the gazebo scene is unforgettable and truly made Twilight as one of the greatest love stories ever told. I also was deeply moved by the baby delivery scene in BD1, I thought Rob's performance in that scene was heart wrenching. He really captured the agony and pain of a man who just lost the greatest love of his life.


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