New Rob interview from the GG Red Carpet

Here's a transcript of the interview- McAvoyDi ( under the cut)

Q:Are you going to Australia.
R:Yeah, in a few days.

Q:Can you tell me a little bit about it?
R:It's set 20 years in the future,in Australia. Basically,I'm an American whose brothers is in a criminal gang in Australia.Guy P's character kinda kidnaps me to try and find my brother. Other than that it's really complicated.But it's cool.It's really fun.

Q:How do you prepare for a night like this?You presented at the Oscars,you present tonight,how do you prepare for it?
R:You can't. It's impossible. I'm always so nervous. Up until I get out of the car I'm so nervous.

Q:Whats going through your head.
R:Now I'm alright.

Q:Why(he's nervous)?
R: I have no idea. It's weird I'm not very good... I'm not good with people.

Q about crazy Twi carpets, if it's a different feeling standing next to Glenn Close.
R: No, it's amazing.You feel a lot of responsibility as well."
Youtube via @RKbubbles

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