New Breaking Dawn: Part 1 Deleted Clip from Extended Edition DVD


Thanks to SomeLostBliss

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12 Responses to New Breaking Dawn: Part 1 Deleted Clip from Extended Edition DVD

  1. OMG! I loved this scene in the book, wonder why it did not appeared in the movie, it's so great and funny. In fact one of the main reasons I like Twilight is the humour and sarcasm that is used in the books and that makes it pretty funny. Staphanie has the amazing ability to put the jokes even in the most dramatic parts of the story, that is not something many writers can do. I love her sense of humour, I adore those funny moments, movies somehow ended up being a little darker, I think they need more scenes like this. I loved BD2, because it had more funny moments than all other movies put together (although New Moon is my favorite, I don't know why).

  2. LOVE IT! Just like in the book! Can't wait for the extended DVD! BTW - I am missing Robsten sooooo much!

  3. LOVE IT!!! That was always one of my fav Jacob scenes in the whole series. I'm glad we got to see it despite not bing in the actual movie.

  4. TIASB (aka. Taylor_is_a_sexy_BEAST)February 8, 2013 at 10:19 PM

    That was funny. I think it would have been better without the dramatic music and more light humorous tunes.

  5. So funny haha... The banging sound like me when I'm angry .. So bad not good I try not to now ( : waiting to get hold of BD2 DVD I just cant wait .

  6. It's best scene. Why they cut that out? I hope Summit will release more extended scene,cuz I believe there's more!! I want more Edward and Bella extended scene :((

  7. I have a this now part of the movie or part of "deleted scenes"??? I dont want to buy it if it's the same movie but just with "deleted scenes", someone please answer.

  8. One of the funniest scenes in the book. They cut this out late as music was already added. I wish there would have been more of those moments in the movie. Like when Jacob is telling all the blonde jokes and more with Seth. I thought the movies did seem a little darker although I thought Eclipse was somewhat lighter in mood compared to the others. Really liked BD2 and can't wait for DVD. Really miss all of this, but still looking forward to what's ahead for them.

  9. You got food in my hair LOL :)

  10. Taylor said it took all night to shoot this scene throwing the bowl. I'm glad they at least put it in deleted scenes. Just a very funny moment. In book I think it was a steak and baked potato. That would have looked awesome. LOL!


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